Ready for school to start?

We talk about how fast the summer has flown by; it’s never long enough.  But even for those of us who are excited about the beginning of the school year, this time of year hits so many of us with anxiety, apprehension, and restlessness.

Most of us have the desire to please; some more than others.  And, this time of year tends to bring that out. We want to do things right.  We want peace with the decisions we make. And, a lot of the time we are working so hard and want someone to notice.  We like the attention.  We want to appear that we have it together.

Educators are starting to put “Dream Home Makeover” rooms together along with their matching Schoolgirl Style bulletin boards. As if all the physical work is not enough, we then carry the weight of trying to make everyone happy.  Will the students like us?  Will the parents appreciate what we are trying to do?  Will our administrators support us? 

Teachers are not the only ones who feel the pressures of starting the school year.  Parents also endure the stress of trying to make sure everything is perfect.  Establishing new routines and buying all the supplies is exhausting, but the mental doubts have a way of creeping in as well.  Did we do enough?  Are we too strict?  Not strict enough? Should we have made the kids read more over the summer?  Do they need private lessons? Our plans? Our faults?

We watch others. We notice and we compare.  We try to measure up. We want someone to notice. Anyone. Everyone.

But who are we really trying to please? 

The world tells you to do what makes us happy.  Keep working at what makes us happy, and we will be happy. Until the next thing to do.  So, we do it, wanting to be happy.  We try to please the students, the administration, other parents, friends, family, your social media audience…

Sometimes, if we are lucky, we are able to experience the effects of the accomplishments!  We achieve the recognition.  We get the likes.  We feel the love. We earn awards.  The hard work is validated and has paid off!  And, what a blessing those moments are!

But where does that leave us? 

The constant praise and the highly effective evaluations won’t lead to the eternal joy in presence of our Lord and Savior. The approval of others, the100+ likes on your Facebook post, or kind words are not guarantees for God’s promises over your life.  The Teacher of the Year award will not be your ticket into the kingdom of heaven.

But if we keep in mind that everything we are doing, we are doing for God, not for ourselves and not for others, we will begin to see and understand His goodness.  When we start praying for His will, not our ours, we will start letting go of the impossible expectations we set for ourselves.  When we know He is the master of our life and trust that He is good, we can enjoy the true blessings that come from the freedom He provides.  Freedom from the burdens of worry, control, disappointment, anxiety. God is so, so good.

So, as many of us are starting a new school year in the coming days, let this be a reminder that classroom decorations are nice, morning routines are important, and being organized will give you an advantage!  But understanding that all your hard work-at school or other workplace or home or church or wherever you are- is for the glory of God is a gamechanger! May you experience God’s grace, many blessings, and all the peace that comes with His goodness as you work for Him today, tomorrow, and throughout the year!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

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