How often do we leave God out of our business because we think we really don’t need Him?  Are there times we think we have it all under control?  Things seem to be going well.  Life is good.  We don’t need help.

His help.

We don’t really feel like we need a relationship with our Lord and Savior.  If we are happy or even just content, then why?  There really isn’t a reason to call on Him.  So, we just leave it…where it is.  Where we are.

Until we do need Him.  Because we do.  And, we will. 

Sometimes when we are looking toward our possessions, our bank account, our people, our achievements, we don’t see Him.  Because our focus is elsewhere.  We don’t realize He is always working for our good.   Where we are.

Many times we will treat our God like the Wizard of Oz.  When we feel that we need something, we want the great and mighty Oz to grant that wish.  We stand in front of that curtain and say, “Lord help me!”  And, our faith is in Him.  Where we are.

In that moment. 

And we wait. 

We don’t see it. We don’t see Him working.  We don’t see the wish granted upon request.

We don’t understand. We asked. We didn’t receive.

So, we are left questioning if there is a God. 

We say things like, “Did he hear me?”

“Why wouldn’t he give me this?”

“If He good, why is he continuing to let this happen?”

And, we want to believe.  We want to experience His goodness. Where we are.

In our anticipation, our faith slowly turns to doubt.

“Why wouldn’t He heal my loved one?”

“What I am asking could be used for His glory, so why is it not happening?”

“If there really was a God, He would not allow this to happen!” (This one always hurts my heart!) 

So, we decide that’s it.  We asked. Didn’t work. We are back in control.  Where we are.

And, the thing is He is good at being God.  We are not.

And, if we only call on Him in need and depend on His answer to establish our faith, we are missing so much of His goodness.

When we seek Him in the light as much as in the darkness, we get to experience His blessings. 

When we praise Him on the peaks as much as in the valleys, we get to watch Him work.

When we honor Him during the feast as much as through the famine, we get to appreciate His timing.

When we acknowledge Him amidst the joy as much as the heartache, we get to recognize His ways.

And the more we seek Him, praise Him, honor Him where we are, no matter the circumstances, we develop that faith, we understand that our hope is in Him, we feel His love for us.  He is so patient with us. He is faithful, even when we are not. He welcomes us … where we are.

Where are you today? 

Are you in a good place?  Give Him glory!

Are you struggling? Trust Him!

Are you somewhere in between? Worship Him!

He is already there.  Where you are.

“Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”  Psalm 9:10 (NIV)

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