When the Dust Settles…

You know that feeling you get RIGHT AFTER something big happens?

It could be after a wedding, a graduation, or another celebration…

It could be after a big project or assignment…

It could be after a vacation or visit from loved ones…


It could be after a service losing someone you love…

It could be after a big move or a child moving out…

It could be after a breakup or the end of an era…

Everything is hectic.  Emotions are running high.

Lots of people.  Lots of words. Lots of moods.

Too busy to think.  Too many things to say or to do.

Too overwhelmed to be concerned about what happens when the dust settles.

You know that feeling…

Sometimes it’s relief and rest.

Sometimes it’s gratitude and appreciation.

Sometimes it’s sorrow and struggle.

Sometimes it’s worry and stress.

Sometimes it’s apprehension.  What’s next?  What now? 

Maybe we go back to the way things were.  Or maybe we make a slight adjustment.  Sometimes though, there is someone or something missing.  Or maybe the big thing created a bigger thing to do, another mountain to climb, another goal to accomplish. 

Two steps forward and three steps back.

That feeling might cause us to start questioning what God is doing. 

We might have experienced His goodness, His peace, His presence…and now we don’t feel it. We can’t see how He’s working in our lives; we are struggling to hear His voice above the enemy’s lies.

We might have conquered our giant…and now there is another one.  We don’t understand why are fighting the battles in front of us.  The attacks are not always physical; sometimes they’re mental.

But, rest assured, friends…

When the dust settles, Jesus is still there. 

After the excitement, the work, the pressure, the nerves, the exhaustion.

After that big thing…Jesus is still there.

He is faithful.  And, He is good. 

His promises are still true. And, His love is real.

He walks with us, providing exactly what we need day by day.

He has a perfect plan for our lives, a plan for His purpose.

His light is always shining and his blessings are all around us.

So, if have been experiencing that feeling after something big, I hope that you can find peace in knowing that He was there with you before and He is still there …after the dust settles.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV

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