Do you ever wonder about your purpose? I’ve been thinking a lot about mine lately.

Maybe it’s because my baby is off to college in a week or so.  You know, the whole empty nest thing.  No ballgames, practices, fundraisers, lunches, clean khakis, checking grades, etc. No schedules to keep up with but my own.

Maybe it’s because a lot of my friends are recently retired and/or anticipating retirement soon.  When will I retire?  I really don’t know, but I do have lots of ideas what I would like to do when I hang up the whole school thing. Still, I’m not quite sure where I am in this process.

Maybe it’s because I am always thinking about what’s next.  As a planner, I want to know what I need to be ready for.  Right now, my calendar says “Move-In Purdue – August 2021” and “Wedding – May 2022”.  And, a few trips and special days sprinkled in between. I know that’s a lot to keep me busy, but the feast vs. famine time makes me a little crazy.

Maybe it’s because I am living a season of some-what peace right now.  I am well aware of the fact that I serve a God of peaks and valleys, and I am grateful to be nearer to the peaks these days.  His mercies and His grace have allowed me to experience joy in the important things in my life, despite some sadness.  I am content, and I try to not take that for granted.

My morning devotion today was about when we dwell in the easy places and we are always asking for peaceful moments, we are less likely to rely on God and see His power.  Life is never easy; I ask Jesus to take my hand and walk with me every day. But I have lived in discontentment, with strained relationships, in the midst of fear, sorrow, and confusion; those days I relied on Jesus to pull me through the day. 

I will admit, I like the easy places, the peaceful moments.  And, I am so very thankful for them.  However, I definitely don’t want to rely on God any less or take advantage of His authority over my life right now.

So, I’m reminded of a couple of truths today. Maybe you can relate as well, no matter if you are dwelling in the easy places or the not-so-easy places.

1.There is no doubt I am where I need to be right now. 

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8: 28 (NIV)

I know God is working in and through my life, just like he is yours!  I know He intended for me to be a wife to Jeff and a mother to Gillian, Meredith, and Hadley.  I know my career as a teacher and my current placement is very intentional.  I know my settling in Evansville thirty some years ago was deliberate.  I know these things without a doubt; I have stories that show how God worked ALL this out and more.  I’d love to share them with you sometime… God winks, God stories, whatever you call them….My life is full of them, and I’m sure yours are too.  Think about it.  Share them with me.

2. God is not done with me yet. 

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

Even though I know I’m where I need to be, I do believe God is preparing me, working in me and through me for His purpose, for His glory.  I may not see His plan play out in an earth-shattering way; it may be giving encouragement to a struggling student, paying for coffee for the person behind me at Starbucks, or reminding a friend how much God loves her. I pray for a heart that follows His plan for my life each and every day.

3.I am not in control.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”  Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

There have been times in my life I tried to take control, and God not only closed the doors, He slammed them in my face.  Those slammed doors hurt, because I thought I knew how it was all playing out.  My plan made so much sense to me!  I can now write this with a smile, because of my conversations with God about how MY plans are good.  Like He’s listening to me and thinking, “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that, Marlene.  Let’s do that.”  Ha ha! Nope.  Instead, He’s saying, “Hmmm…. watch this…”  His ways are perfect.  Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thank God, (literally)!

I know this year won’t always be calm and without stress and sorrow, but no matter what happens and no matter how my purpose plays out, I know God’s got me. And, he’s got you too!  I hope knowing this gives you the kind of peace it gives me! God bless!

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