I will admit… I am that person who wants to know what’s going to happen.  I look ahead.  I try to plan ahead.  I am not big on surprises. 

When watching Netflix shows, I often Google the Episode Guides to see what happens in future episodes.  I still watch and enjoy, but I just like to “know”.  I’ve also been known to read the end of a book near the beginning because I want to know who is still in the story at the end or know a piece of how the plot played out.  Again, I still enjoy the book, but I feel like I can rest assured and then look for clues throughout the book that leads to that ending. 

I know…I know… many of you are saying that ruins the show or the book.  But it doesn’t.  For me.  In stories and in life, I like to know the plan.  I like to stick to the approach or the method to get that plan accomplished.  I find comfort in preparing and organizing.  Because in the end, I know.  Even if it’s not the way I would have designed it, I can at least be ready. No surprises. 

So, I think that’s why I get a little antsy at times when I can’t figure out what God’s purpose is through the things that are happening in my life or the lives of loved ones.  I like to play “I know what you are doing, God.”  And, most of the time I am wrong.  He doesn’t have anything against surprises. 

We say and know that His ways are better than ours.  And, I believe that!  I just want to know what that way is.  I want to know what He wants me to do.  I want to be obedient, but I don’t always know how when I am not seeing or hearing Him.  Sometimes I want that Moses moment and want to hear Him directly, loud and clear.

Then He reminds me, ever so sweetly, of these truths that I can hang onto so I can live the life He created just for me and not worry about how the plan plays out. 

Are you in a place right now where you might need to be encouraged as well?

He will meet our needs. 

“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)

God knows what we need.  We think we know, but He not only is aware, he establishes the who, the what, the when, and the where to give us exactly what we need to follow through His plan. He gives us people who love, support, encourage, and speak truth to us. He directs us to His word. He offers comfort, courage, strength, and discernment.  He might not let us know through a burning bush; we might need to listen to the whispers that speak directly to our hearts.

He is faithful. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Time and time again, He is always faithful.  Even when we are not.  He doesn’t get frustrated with us and say, “This is the last time!”  He doesn’t say, “I’ll get to it when I get to it.”  When we can’t see the work He is doing in our lives, we try to rationalize and put Him on our level.  It’s easy to forget He is God.  We are not.  And, when we recognize His faithfulness in our lives, it helps us trust Him in other times.  When we stop and look at all the goodness in our lives and know He is good and His ways are good, we can rest assured that He loves us and has already taken care of our situation. And will continue. Again and again.

He offers His promise of eternal life.

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.” Philippians 3:20-21 (NIV)

We already know the end of the story.  No surprises. He promises eternal life with Him to those who know Him and love Him.  When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we ultimately give our lives to Him.  We honor Him; we give Him glory.  Even though we continue to seek Him and His ways and even though we continue to try to live out His purpose each day, we know He is preparing a place for us.  We don’t have to work to get there.  We don’t have to worry about it. We might not always know or understand the path we are to take to get there, but we do know the rest of the story.

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