Thanks God, but I got this!

Do you ever get a little taste of confidence or think you know what’s best?  We are encouraged and raised to be self-sufficient, to make responsible decisions, to be able to do life without being dependent on anyone. We get an education, we hold down jobs, and we raise families. We might experience success at times because of our choices.  We feel good. Proud. Grateful.

And, we might feel hopeless at times because of our choices.  We might be discouraged. Upset. Afraid.

I admit, I like it when someone asks my opinion or wants my help, and I am able to give advice that seems sound and useful. 

Sometimes I tell what my family, my friend, my coworker, wants to hear; sometimes it’s not. Sometimes they agree and do what I suggest; sometimes they don’t. 

(I’m not always a “told ya so” kind of person; but sometimes I am.)

Or, there are times they might not request my input or my thoughts, but I share anyway.

But, the things is… we can give guidance to people we care about all day long, but we can’t make them follow it.

And, they might give us counsel that we don’t go along with as well.

We tend to listen, weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision we feel is best for our situations.  We can say, “Thanks, but I got it!”  Because after all, we know what’s best for us.

Or do we?

Do you ever find yourself doing this with God? 

Do you ever pray for something and become impatient waiting for the response, so you just take matters in your own hands and do what you want anyway?  Thanks God, but I got this.

Or, do you ever pray for something and don’t get the answer you had hoped for, so you try to force your own path instead of listening to Him?  Thanks God, but I got this.

Or do you ever feel like things are going well and you are doing just fine?  You don’t really need to pray, to ask for God’s provision.  Thanks God, but I got this.

Because we NEED the answer right away.

Because we CAN’T do what He’s asking us to do.

Because we are really good at taking care of things by OURSELVES. 

Or is it because we don’t really trust our God? 

We want to.  We say we do.  But when it comes right down to us, making a decision and wanting what we want, do we have faith that He is good and He will give us just what we need?  Or, do we believe, or even say, that we know better than He knows?

Because He might tell us to Be Still.  To be patient.  To look for His goodness or His lesson in the journey.

Because He might tell us that He knows what we don’t.  He might be protecting us.  He might be guiding us to a path that will bring blessings to us and our loved ones.

Because He might tell us that our way might be ok, might be safe, might bring us joy, but His way is perfect. He might be reminding us that He is the God of BIG things, of impossible things.

What has He been telling you? What it is that you are struggling to trust God with?  What is it that you want to control, to take care of without Him?  What have you been doing while saying “Thanks God, but I got this”?

Let me remind you today that God is good and He loves you and me.  He wants to take of us and He will, when we allow Him. When we trust Him. When we surrender to Him.  When we focus on living out His purpose for our lives. We will experience His goodness and His faithfulness time and time again when we are obedient and trust Him with all we have, all we need, all we desire.

Thanks God, I know You’ve got this!!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

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