While sharing concerns in a group text the other day, one friend’s comment came back as “stuck praying.”  She immediately explained that it should have read, “still praying.” 

Autocorrect might have been onto something this time.  I don’t know about you, but there are definitely times I feel like I am “stuck praying.”

Do you ever find yourself “stuck” in your prayers?  Maybe you keep praying the same thing over and over, but you are not seeing any results of your prayers.  Maybe you are praying for one thing, but getting something else.  Maybe you start your prayers, but you start questioning if you are praying the right way or for the right things.  Maybe you feel your heart’s aching, but you don’t have the words to pray. 

So, what happens when we get stuck?  We might wonder if He actually hears us.  We might wonder if he’s really near.  We might wonder why there is no evidence of movement towards our pleas.  We might wonder does it really matter if we pray or not.

Should we treat getting stuck in our prayer life like high school algebra? Keep trying?  Try something new?  Ask for help?  Or just give up? 

Here’s the good news:  God knows. Even when you are stuck!

“Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.” Psalm 139:4 (ESV)

God knows your heart.  God knows your thoughts.  God knows your desires.  God knows your needs.  And, I don’t believe He’s holding out on His goodness toward us until we have communicated the perfect prayer.  Prayer is not designed to only bless us if it meets God’s standards.  It’s not graded and granted when it accomplishes certain objectives. It’s so much more, yet so simple.

Prayer is a relationship.

It’s our connection to God. He longs to hear our praise, our gratitude, and our desires. Yes, He already knows.  And, His ways are always good.  His timing is perfect.  He knows so much more, and His love is unfailing. When we spend time with God in prayer, our lives are blessed.  We seek His presence. We are aware of his goodness.  We hear his promises. We feel His peace.

As much as He desires this relationship with us, prayer is not about what we can do for God.  It’s more about what God can do through us and in us. After all, He is God.  He doesn’t “need” anything from us. It’s what we need from this relationship with Him, even if we are stuck.

“Real prayer isn’t about changing God’s mind, but about finding God’s heart, and letting His heart change our minds.”  -Ann Voskamp

And when His heart changes our minds, our lives are changed as well. We understand that in every occasion, in every season, in every emotion, God is with us when we pray without ceasing. He is near, in the good times and the bad.  He yearns for us to come to him in prayer. His arms are open wide, and His blessings are endless. 

Even if our prayers are stuck in the waiting, in the unknown, in the heartbreak, in the repeating, or the absence of words.  God knows.  We can always call on him.  And, we will be blessed.

 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:5-7 (ESV)

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