Fun fact:  I grew up in the same “small town” as John ‘Cougar’ Mellencamp. Those of you who are close to my age know that back in the ‘80’s and early ‘90’s, his music was a big deal.  “Pink Houses”, “Jack & Diane”,  “Small Town” were some of his biggest hits, but I still liked some that might not be as popular, like “Ain’t Even Done with the Night” and “Authority Song.”  One of the songs on his Scarecrow album, “You’ve Got to Stand for Something,” always makes me wonder.

“I’ve seen lots of things
But I have not seen a lot of other things…

You’ve got to stand for something
Or you’re gonna fall (stand) for anything”

It makes me wonder…

What do we stand for?  Are we standing for something important to us?  Something worthy?

Or, are we falling for anything?

So many are quick to give opinions, thoughts, viewpoints on all the things going on in our world today.  Politics, sports, lifestyles, education, religion, economy, careers, etc. 

So much noise in the news, in social media. 

Lots of discord in our families,

disagreements among our friend circles,

differences within our schools and workplaces.

Sometimes we tend to lean into things that make us feel good.

Something someone said that seems to make sense. 

Or we just want to stay neutral; we don’t want to upset anyone or ruffle feathers.

Just be kind.

As long as you are a good person.

Do whatever makes you happy.

You do you.

While these are not bad things to do or be, we might want to explore why we ‘stand’ for such things. Sometimes we like the idea of making up what we want to believe because it makes us feel validated, it makes us likable, maybe even makes us popular. 

But is it rooted in truth?  Is it what we are called to do?   

Are we truly standing on this? 

Or, are we falling for it?

When we become Christ followers, when we declare that God is the God of our lives, when we believe that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and that the Holy Spirit lives in us, we can BOLDLY stand in truth.  We don’t have to search for assurance or confidence in what the world tells us is acceptable because we know His Word is true and our faith is in Him alone.

However, the enemy will not back down that easily.  He won’t entice us with nasty, disgusting things to fall for. He wants to attract us with lies that don’t seem “that bad.”

The enemy will flood our social media with posts and quotes that will make us believe that our confidence, our worth, our purpose is up to us.  We have to do what is right… for us. 

The enemy wants us to think that partial obedience is ok. He wants us to consider that believing in God is enough, but following Him just might not be our thing.

The enemy will tell us that it’s ok if we are too busy to have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. Other things in our lives just might be more valuable.

Again, it makes me wonder..

What do we stand for? 

Are we standing in Truth?  Standing for the One…

…who gives life everlasting

…who promises perfect peace

…who is worthy of all worship and praise

…who ensures hope and mercy and grace

…who loves us and makes a way for us

Or are we falling for anything?

If we do not BOLDLY stand on the truth of God’s Word, we risk falling for the enemy’s lies.

But when we stand firm in His love, His righteousness, and His glory,

we are aware of His presence, His mercy, His grace.

When we read His Word and allow it to guide our lives,

we trust His ways and can see His goodness.

When we pray and seek to know Him more,

we experience His peace and faithfulness.

You’ve got to stand for something

Or you will fall for anything.

So, what are you standing for today?

“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”  Ephesians 6:13-15 (NIV)

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