
As the month of May comes to a close, other parts of my life will turn the page along with the calendar.

And, I am overwhelmed. 

The month of May is always exhausting for teachers. The normal, day to day stresses are multiplied with end of the year tasks and the excitement of our little darlings as we conclude the grade level phase of these little (or big) people’s education.  It’s a lot.  We teachers know this, but also knowing the end is near keeps us tirelessly chugging away until that glorious last day. So, I tried to prepare myself, knowing everything else that would be happening. And, I am overwhelmed.

This month started with my youngest daughter moving back home after her first year of a very rigorous and emotional year at college.  The same weekend, which just happened to be Mother’s Day weekend, my oldest came home from Texas to spend a few of her last ‘single’ days with us.  I tried to take advantage of the moments with my girls, especially those moments of all of us together.  One of the things I miss most as my girls have grown up is the togetherness as a family.  We raise them to be independent, to have their own lives, jobs with demanding schedules, their own friends and things to do.  They live the lives we, as parents, want them to live, but at the same time, we miss them. So when we all do get together, I take it all in.  I soak it up. And, I am overwhelmed.

Then, my oldest got married. After many months of planning, many Amazon purchases, many long-distance discussions, many down payments, it was finally time for the big day. Countless details, last minute plans, and little things to go right or go wrong. I’m not going to lie; we were sweating the weather up until the last hours.  But we were blessed with a perfect day to celebrate this perfect love.  Friends and family, those who have shared the most important parts of our lives were in attendance making yet more memories. When I stop to think about my daughter and son-in-law’s future as man and wife, the special people who joined in this celebration, and all of God’s goodness during this precious wedding, my heart is so full. And, I am overwhelmed.

God is good, and his blessings continued. 

As the last few days of school came to a close, my thirty-three-year teaching career in the public school system came to an end as well.  Even though retirement had not been part of my overall plan for this year, I felt lead to something different, not really knowing what that was.  After lots of praying and lots of conversations, I stepped out of the boat and watched God work.   Giving it all to Him was not always easy for a planner like me, but God answered my prayers and led me right where I truly believe I need to be.  So, in closing this chapter of my educational career, I have received such sweet blessings, thoughtful gifts, kind words, and surprise visits. Each well wish brings back such lovely memories with the coworkers I have worked with, students I have taught, parents and families who have supported me, and so many people who experienced so much with me during the last 30+ years of my life. They have each shaped me into the educator, as well as the person, I am today.  And, I am overwhelmed.

Then, as the month ended, my birthday was celebrated.  Again, I am reminded of so many beautiful people in my life.  I smiled as I received each birthday greeting because there is a chapter for each person in my story.  Chapters that I am fortunate to store in my memories and can pull out to make me feel special, to make me laugh, to make me realize that God has placed each single person in my life to make it complete.  And, I am overwhelmed.

And, I am not done…. Now I start not only a new chapter, but an entire sequel to my story.  I am excited to walk through doors that God continues to present to me.  Today those doors lead to Evansville Christian School, where I will be able to share as well as learn among new friends and existing friends, where I will continue to be obedient to God’s plan and purpose for my life, where I am sure to experience even more of His goodness and grace. 

And, I am overwhelmed.

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:1-2 (NIV)

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