Make Good Choices!

As an educator and as a mother, this directive has left my lips many, many times.  As a matter of fact, I just said it the other day!

We all have made questionable decisions at one time or another.  But many of us like to think the older we get, the wiser we get.  And, we believe we know what’s best.  That means we sometimes want to control the decisions of the people we love and care about. 

We give advice. 

We create rules.

We set boundaries.

As much as I want to think I had some control over my daughters’ decisions when they were younger, I certainly do not now.  And, if we are being honest here… I DO NOT WANT TO! 

I don’t want to control their decisions; I just want them to make good ones. 

On their own. 

I don’t want to tell them. 

I don’t want to figure it out for them.  

I don’t want to weigh the pros and cons. 

I want them to use their own discernment. 

I want them to know right from wrong. 

I want them to feel good about what they determine is best for them. 

I want them to receive the blessings when they honor God, when they listen to His voice, when they follow Him.

I do give an occasional, “This is what I would do….” Or I might warn of potential outcomes.  I don’t mind giving my opinion when it’s asked for (and maybe if it’s not).  But again, ultimately, I am not in control of anybody’s decisions, but my own.

And, God gives all of us that same freedom. 

The difference is He has the ability to control, but He wants us to “choose” Him.  He gives us His word; He offers us His spirit.  He desires a relationship with us where He guides us, He speaks to us, He makes His way known to us. He so graciously loves us, so much that life everlasting is ours through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.

And, as He is allowing us to make our own decisions, I believe He is also encouraging us to ‘make good choices’ as well.

We have all heard the saying, “We are the sum total of all the choices we have made.”

Our friends, the ones we kept; the ones we let go.

Our opportunities, we ones we took, the ones we passed on.

Our paths, the ones the led to joy, the ones that brought suffering.

Our careers, the ones we landed, the ones that we transferred into.

Our relationships, the ones we invested, the ones we let go, the ones who let go of us.

Our moments, the ones we looked forward to, the ones that took our breath away, the ones we will remember forever, the ones we want to forget.

But what happens when we stop to think about how our relationship with God impacts those choices and sum of who we are because of those choices?  During my devotions,Experiencing God (Blackaby & Blackaby), the other day, I read a similar quote with a bigger punch:

“Your life is the sum of responses you have made toward God.”    

By altering just a few words, we shift the meaning, the thought, the expectation from the choices we make.  Are we aware of how our choices impacts not only who we are, but who God wants us to be?

Who He has created us to be?

How we are obeying Him? 

How we are furthering His Kingdom?

How we are living and loving like Jesus?

How we experience His goodness?

How we share our faith and hold on to hope?

He’s calling us.  He pursues us. He desires a relationship with us. 

He goes before us.  He rescues us. He walks with us. He fills us with His peace.

His favor, His blessing, His love, His mercy, His grace, His forgiveness is extended to us.

Even in our brokenness, our sin, our selfishness, He offers redemption. A way out. A way to Him. A way to salvation.

It’s all ours.

But it’s our choice. 

How are you responding to Him today? 

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)

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