I don’t even really like baked potatoes. 

It was a rough morning of state testing.  The first year we were trying to do it all on devices.  Besides the usual stress that comes with testing, we were experiencing all kinds of technical catastrophes.  Lots of ‘try again’.  Lots of documenting times.  Lots of ‘try to stay focused as your teacher is trying to keep it under control but is really losing it.’ 

So when lunchtime arrived, I was beyond exhausted and was so looking forward to the Spudz- N-Stuff baked potato the PTA was providing for Teacher Appreciation Week.  I don’t really like baked potatoes.  But on this day the high carb lunch loaded with all the processed cheese and imitation bacon sounded like the perfect remedy to a challenging and demanding morning. 

On the way out of my classroom a group of students met me at the door and begged me to let them work on a project during the first part of lunch.  This was not unusual.  I usually allowed students to work during the first part of lunch, and I would just eat during the last half of my lunch period.  If students want to work, I’m all for it!

But not this day.  I tried to explain I needed a break after the crazy morning of testing trauma.  They didn’t let up; so, I relented.  I stayed and let them work.  Sometimes listening to kids work and have real conversations with each other is good for the soul, so all was well. 

As they left for their lunch, I headed to my lunch looking forward to that baked potato.  Finally!  As I walked toward the food table set up in our honor, I couldn’t help but notice a look of panic on a few faces.  Then I figured out what was going on as I approached the table. 


I had the latest lunch, and I was the last one to get lunch.  No potatoes.  It was ok. Or was it?  It would be.  I assured the PTA volunteers that it was ok. I had the next period off, so I would just run out and grab a sandwich.  No big deal. I am not going to lie.  I went out to my car and cried.  I don’t even really like baked potatoes.  

It’s not about the potato.

Teaching is hard. We are expected to do so much and then some more.  Our days, even good days, are stressful, especially this year.  Every ounce of energy is depleted daily and patience is in high demand. And, the teachers keep showing up.  Actually, not just showing up, but showing up with smiles, with grace, and with magic to make up for the crazy out there.   Not because we expect anything in return; it’s just who we are.  Then in the end….on somedays, there is no potato. 

Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  It’s always nice to be appreciated, and I’ve had many moments feeling appreciated.  But this year has been especially difficult.  We are on the homestretch of an entire year of making the best of teaching during a pandemic.  And a lot of us are unraveling little by little.   

SO, love on your teachers this week! Love on your kids’ teachers. Love on your friends who are teachers. Love on any teacher you know.  Write them a note. Buy them dinner. Buy them a coffee. Buy them hard liquor. Let them know you see them. Let them know what they are doing is making a difference.  They know it!  Believe me!  They know it, but it’s still nice to hear.  They need the POTATO!!!!!

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” I Corinthians 15:58 (NIV)

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