I Know Things

1-2-3-eyes on me!

As an educator, I wanted my students’ attention!  All of them!  When I was speaking, I needed them to look at me. Not just one or two or five….but all!  No side conversations, no devices, just me!  And, I loved assuring them that I did know some things.  And, I wanted them to know those things.

So, when I blog and share, it’s no different!  I still want all the attention!  I want my friends to read my words.  I want my followers to share my stories.  I want them to think about what I wrote.  I want them to know the peace that comes with God’s presence.  I want what resonates with me to resonate with them.

But in reality, I know some things…

I know some see a lot of words and won’t read.

I know others just scroll Facebook and might just look at the graphic or photo.

I know everyone is on a different journey and my words might not be what they want or need to hear.

And, I know that my audience is a lot like the students in my classroom.

I know that some are going to like my posts and be so encouraging, like those students you can always count on to answer the questions and want to please the teacher.

I know that several are reading a few depending on the timing, like those students who are with you some days and not on other days.

I know that others are not interested in what I say, like those students who are disengaged or maybe even roll their eyes.

But, I also know a little more.

I know that some do read and don’t respond, but maybe a seed of thought was planted.

I know that others do read and respond to me in person.  (How I enjoy those conversations!)

I know that my intention to bless others has bounced that blessing back to me many times.

I know that my writing has intensified my faith and is about my journey as much as I want it to encourage others.

But the thing I know more than anything is this: I know I want God to be glorified in all of it.  The writing. The reading. The comments.  The seeds.  The reflection.  The encouragement. The conversations.

My purpose for writing this blog has shifted a little, but it did take a leap of faith to get going and keep going.  I had to step out of the boat.  I had to be ok to be vulnerable. I had to know it wasn’t about everyone.  But about The One.  All eyes are not on me, but on God and His goodness and His love.

So, let me encourage you today to do that thing that you are thinking about.  That thing that you want to do.  That thing that might be a risk.  That thing that you feel God is calling you to do.  You know some things too. 

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

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