“Make an effort, not an excuse!” was one of the few posters that stayed up in my classroom from year to year. Oh, the excuses!!  I actually had to pull one of the most famous excuses one time when our newly adopted Dozer was an enthusiastic and mischievous puppy, and I had to admit to my classes that “my dog ate their homework.”  (But that’s a story for another day.)

I have chuckled, rolled my eyes, shook my head, and unfortunately, shed a tear or two at many an excuse throughout the years. Some were truly legitimate, while some were, in my opinion, a lack of responsibility, poorly set priorities, or just silly.  That’s why I always referenced my poster to encourage ‘an effort.’  I was more interested in what my students could do to make the situation right than their excuses.  I didn’t want to focus on why they couldn’t, but help them figure out a plan so they could.  The circumstances might have derailed the opportunity to do what needed to be done, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t be done.  So, many times at Mrs. James’s insistence, we would take time to figure it out.  It was too easy to let excuses be a way out, because there would always be an excuse.  I wanted my students to be successful, relying on their resources, their effort, their determination, not on reasons why I should accept less of them.

I wonder how many times we try the excuse thing with God.

When God is speaking to us, and we don’t listen.

When God is sharing His Truth with us, and we question it. 

When God is asking us to step out in faith, and we’re too afraid.

When God is inviting us to trust him, and we fall back on our worry and our fears.

How many times do we rely on what we want to believe?  We can talk ourselves into our own selfish desires and viewpoints because we have all the excuses.  And, they are authentic. Totally understandable. Our conversations with God begin like this, “I know God, BUT…..”

When we try to explain our side to God, giving all the excuses, I like to think that God is not rolling His eyes at us, like I did with my students. But maybe He is.  Maybe He is trying to tell us to make the EFFORT to believe in Him, not to make the excuses. He reminds us that He is always faithful, even when we are not. He will show us His ways are good; His ways are perfect.  He won’t fall for our excuses.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55: 8-9 (NIV)

Is there something stirring in your heart that you are trying to excuse?  Are you unsure of where God is leading you?  Is He asking you to do something that frightens you?  Maybe He is wanting you to depend fully on Him, His mercy, His grace, His healing.  Are you wrestling with something heavy on your heart? Trying to make sense of a decision? What are you making excuses for today?

Whatever it is, I truly believe that God knows.  He knows our hearts.  He knows the excuses. And, I believe that He loves us and wants the best for us.  He allows us to make the excuses, but He is also ready to bless us as soon as we make the effort to believe in Him, to trust Him, to allow our faith in Him to lead us.  The excuses are easy; the effort can be difficult. 

If you find yourself struggling with this, I guarantee you are not alone! God is right there with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Go to God’s Word for wisdom. Let your community of believers pray with you.  And, watch God work! No more excuses!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

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