Cyclebar was having a special this week for teachers to attend classes for free.  I thought this might be a good thing to do because after all, I am a semi-empty nester now, and I do need to think about the mother-of-the-bride dress in a few months. So, why not? Right?

I was encouraged by a good friend who goes frequently; even though I had some reservations, she assured me I could do it!  So, I registered for a class.

“You’re gonna die,” was the reply from not one, but two of my daughters.  They continued to ask if I knew what it was and what made me think I could do it.  Kids are great for a mother’s confidence!  Now, I had a choice, do I agree with them and cancel, or do I show them this old momma could participate in an exercise class?

To make matters worse, my husband’s reaction wasn’t much more reassuring.  But at least he had a good point, I really don’t even like bike riding.  He knows this because the one and only bike riding experience we shared happened during our honeymoon twenty-six years ago.  We were enjoying a relaxing time in Jamaica before he got the idea that we should do “stuff” while we were there.  I am not a do “stuff” kind of girl, unless that stuff involves a beach and a book.  But hey, I was a new bride, so I reluctantly agreed to a bike ride……down Blue Mountain!!

Now, who in the world thinks it’s a good idea to ride a bicycle DOWN a MOUNTAIN on a dusty, dirt/gravel path?  And, we actually paid money to do it!  Anyway, the ride up the mountain was fun, in a bus, making friends and stopping to have lunch on the way.  When we got to the top, it was time to saddle up and start the decline!  I quickly found my place in the very back of the group, much to my new husband’s disappointment as he stayed near his bride’s side.

As our tour guide, who looked to be every bit of twelve years old, started the journey, I just kept thinking, “I am going to wipe out because we seem to be going so fast and there are little rocks everywhere!”  This thinking only put us even further behind, especially since I was white-knuckling the handlebar brakes during the entire jaunt.  Jeff kept insisting that we needed to get caught up with the group, but I just could not go any faster.  The look of terror on my face gave away any type of fake confidence I had at the beginning of this outing.

You are probably thinking that riding down a mountain takes a while, so I would eventually get a little more comfortable as time went on.  Nope.  Still gripping the brakes and praying we didn’t have to ride all the way to the end, I tried to listen to the pubescent leader of our group as he shouted bits of information.  I couldn’t hear well, because, well….. we were so far behind everyone else.  Then all of a sudden though, I heard him loud and clear, “Bulls on the right!”

BULLS!!!  WHAT???  I mean, we did see cute little mules on the side of the path, but they didn’t bother us.  And, the guide did not have to warn us about them!  However, bulls were worth the forewarning!  Great!  Now, I didn’t only have to worry about riding down this dirt road dodging every little rock and crevice, but I had to outrun BULLS TOO!!! 

I tensed up even more and screamed my concern at Jeff.  By this time he had started to leave me behind at little at a time, and I wondered why in the world he wasn’t scared, if not for himself, at least for his wife of two days!  After all, I was literally at the tail end of the group!  If the bulls were to attack, I would be the prime target, no doubt. I will never forget the look on his face as he waited for me catch up with him and explained to me that the guide had said, “HOLES on the right!”  Not bulls!  There were potholes on the right.  Whew!  What a relief!

We made it to the bottom of that mountain in one piece that day, although my hands were bruised from holding onto the brakes so tightly, and we had a wonderful week of other “stuff” like snorkeling, shopping, and climbing falls.  Lots of beautiful memories, but “Bulls on the right!” always makes us giggle!  I can’t say though, that I’ve ever been too excited about bike-riding since that excursion. 

So, when I admitted I might want to try Cyclebar, Jeff’s apprehension was understandable. My girls just think that I am out of shape, which is also understandable! However, I am super proud to admit that I not only tried it, but I have plans to go back!  I didn’t die! I’m getting back on the saddle, so to speak.  I mean, what are the chances there will be “bulls on the right” in class?  And, if I’m riding in the very back, behind the group, no one really knows!  It’s a win-win! 

I didn’t die! I made it! I tried something new and had fun!  What are you thinking about trying?  What’s keeping you from it?  Let me be the voice of encouragement for you today!  You can do it!  You won’t die!  However, I wouldn’t recommend trying to outrun bulls while riding a bike down a mountain!

 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

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