Well, I did it!  

I am retiring….again. 

Two years ago I retired from the public school system, but continued my career as an educator at Evansville Christian School, serving as an instructional coach and testing coordinator.  It was the perfect segue …changing up the workload and the pace from being a classroom teacher to being support for classroom teachers.  While I enjoyed this job, and the people even more, I continued to feel a nudge toward something else, something more, something different. 

I know some of you get this.

But I am just “done” with education.

It’s not a bad thing.

I have had an incredible ride!  And, I thank God for such a full and blessed 35 years! 

I often joke that I started teaching in the late 1900’s ….which is true!  The fall of 1989!

There were no electronics (chrome books, computers, cell phones, promethean boards, etc.). 

I used a chalkboard, I figured my grades with a handheld calculator, I made copies with a purple mimeograph machine, and I pushed AV carts with TVs attached into my classroom to watch (VHS) videos.

Good old days?  Maybe.

I lived and worked through a lot of changes in education.

All the technology! I eventually trusted the online gradebook enough to ditch my soft cover-bound book of names and grades. I was amazed by the convenience of email and Google.  I enlisted help from my students to be able to Skype in my class before Zoom was even a thing. 

I also witnessed transformations in testing, policy, and best practice throughout the years.  Some I agreed with, some not.  I was fortunate to have worked with many colleagues and supervisors who encouraged me to lead, to take chances, and to be better… a better teacher, a better co-worker, a better person! I was also fortunate to have held positions that pushed me into learning about what was truly best for kids. 

My desire to keep trying new things guided me into positions where I was constantly learning.  I spent my career teaching English, reading, and social studies at the elementary and middle school levels, but I also instructed undergraduate and graduate courses as an adjunct at our local colleges. I devoted many summers to teaching summer school and provided countless hours of professional development and organizing data as an instructional coach.  Good stuff!

But my greatest take away will always be the people, the relationships, the love.  I will forever sing of God’s goodness because of so many lovely souls on my path along the way!

Students. Literally thousands!  Those who taught me about life, who made me laugh till I cried, and who made me cry till it hurt.  Reconnecting with them, watching them blossom, and witnessing their successes will forever be my number one favorite thing about being a teacher. What a blessing it is to stay in touch with so many of them!  If any of you are reading this now, know that I am smiling thinking of you!

Then, the parents and families of my students. Many who have been good friends and mentors to me.  So many conversations I remember with the moms and dads of my students.  Sharing good news, encouraging when disappointment set in, discussing discipline and consequences.  Not all exchanges were pleasant, but many created insight and thoughts that have stayed with me.  Being part of a community and forming friendships with those who started out as a parent/teacher relationship have been a huge perk for me as an educator. If any of you are reading this now, know that I am also smiling thinking about you!

And finally, my people. My circle of friendships formed through working with truly some of the most amazing educators.  When I started teaching three decades ago, I was inexperienced and so naïve. I literally knew one person when I moved hours from home and began my career at an inner-city middle school.  I had no idea what I was doing, but I was surrounded by those who instantly took care of me, in so many ways.   They were my people and still are to this day.  And, the beautiful thing is…I picked up more people with each move, each position, each school. People who poured into me, who loved me.  People who shared time and resources, laughs and tears, advice and life lessons.  I would often admit that I was working with the best group.  Then I would transfer to another role, another building. And again, I would a part of the best team.  Then it would happen again and again.  If any of you are reading this now, know that I appreciate you more than you know and I am a better person today because of you. I will forever be smiling when I think of you.

Now I say good-bye to this world. I was never one who necessarily wanted to be a teacher all her life, but I am so glad it was where God led me.  I was exactly where I was supposed to be!!  And, I have been blessed. Oh, how is He faithful!

And, I know He will be faithful again.  Leading me into a new adventure, a new chapter, a new project….

I have no idea what it is. 

That excites me, and it scares me to death.  All at the same time.

As of August 1st

I am going to rest and read and write. 

I am going to spend more time with family and learn how to be a grandmother.

I am going to cook and paint and clean out closets.

I am going to sleep in and take my dog for walks.

I am going to take advantage of long lunches with friends and trips to visit those I love whenever I want!

However, more than anything else, I am going to take some time to BE STILL. 

I am going to pray that I see the path God is crafting just for me.

I am going to pray that I hear His voice guiding me.

I am going to pray that my heart is aligning to His will.

And, I am going to pray that whatever these next years may hold, that I am able to follow Him, to trust Him, to honor Him, and to glorify Him in all I do. 

I would be so grateful if you felt led to pray these prayers for me as well! 

And, wherever you are on the morning of August 1st, feel free to join me in raising a coffee cup to cheers a blessed 35 years in education for this old, retired lady! And, during your morning prayers that day add a word of praise for His goodness and pray peace over all the teachers out there still at it!  May God bless you all!

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)

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