The news of the latest school shooting is weighing heavy on so many hearts today.  Parents, community, law enforcement, health care workers, really anyone, everyone…but I can tell you it hits differently for teachers (even retired ones.)

Going over school shooting procedures, like a routine fire drill, was one of the most dreaded conversations that I had to have with my students.  Explaining that we had to be prepared because of the evil out there, I would do my best to reassure them that they would be safe.  And, I couldn’t play the what-if game, because honestly, I didn’t always have answers for all of their what-if scenarios.  That sometimes scared me and I didn’t want to scare them. 

I can vividly remember one morning when a little gal came to my room first thing and exclaimed that she had a dream about me the night before.  I started to joke with her and quickly found out that she had dreamed that our school was under attack, but I, her teacher-the one who just had had the conversation about how to stay safe- led her AND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL to safety out the side door in my classroom (which had been part of our class plan.)

While I was quite honored that her subconscious had so much faith in my bravery and management skills…for the entire school, I was heart-broken that a twelve-year old was dreaming about this.  We have to prepare, we have to talk about it, we have to put that “just in case” thought in their little brains that we are trying to fill with learning and love; and it breaks my heart…and scares me to death.

It’s not fair. 

It’s not right.

It’s not supposed to be this way.

Everyone has an opinion, a probable reason, an “only-if” solution.  We can try to put all the laws, all the rules, all the protocols in place.  And, yes, that might help, and I’m all for help!!  But…

The only answer I can get on board with right now is getting on my knees, going to my Lord and Savior in prayer. 

We live in such a broken world,

a world full of people who want their way, a world of people who are lost, who are looking for something that the world cannot provide.  And, the more we look to other people, other things, other methods…

we become more depressed and more hopeless,

we hold onto more anger and more hatred,

we are filled with more anxiety and fear.

And, the enemy will take all of that and stir it back into our broken world.  Here we are.

So today, I’m choosing Jesus!

I’m turning away from the news and turning toward Him! 

I’m scrolling past the worldly attitudes and focusing on His word!

I’m disregarding what “they” say and asking for discernment and wisdom from my God!

Today, I’m choosing Jesus!

I’m choosing hope and love.

I’m standing on His promise.

I’m praying for comfort and peace that comes only from Him.

I’m praying for His healing and His guidance and that His will be done.

There is power in the name of Jesus!  And, that’s where I choose to put my faith, my attention, my devotion, and my praise! And, I encourage you to join me! 

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (ESV)

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