Give thanks.

Many of us will sit around the table this week with loved ones.  We will eat the turkey, the green bean casserole, and the pumpkin pie.  We will tell stories, relive memories, and laugh.  We will play games and hold babies and take naps.  We will welcome some and will miss some.

And at some point, we will speak of what we are thankful for. 

Because it’s Thanksgiving.

Because it’s expected.

We think of things that stand out, the big things.

People who love us. Moments that made us smile. The times that brought us peace. Celebrations and accomplishments.  The ways we could see God working in our lives.

But what about those things that don’t stand out?

Do we give thanks…

for those everyday blessings. 

The warmth in the sunshine.

The sweetness in a message.

The timing that worked out.

The giggles from a little one.

Give thanks…

For the goodness in the ordinary.

The positive conversation with a friend.

The first cup of coffee in the morning.

The satisfaction in being on time.

The daily hugs and kisses.

Give thanks….

Even for the unwanted challenges.

The struggles at work.

The disagreements and disappointments.

The unwelcomed or upsetting news.

The aching from hurt or grief.

God is at work in all of it. In all things, big and little things. For our good.

We can be assured that He is faithful and He is good.

He has a purpose for our lives and wants to bless us.


It’s easy to be grateful with the big things, the things that stand out…when we get what we want…when we are given grace… when His goodness unexpectedly finds us.

But it might not be as easy to be grateful with the little things, the things that don’t stand out… when we take some situations for granted…when we take credit…when we don’t think it matters…or when we are suffering.

It’s important that we aren’t doubting that He works for our good in every circumstance, even if He feels distant.

It’s crucial to believe in His faithfulness, even if He closes doors or leads us down different paths.

It’s imperative that we remain grateful, even if it seems He is withholding blessings.

He loves us and finds all kinds of ways to bless us. We can find His favor in the little things just as much as the big things.  All the things. Everyday.

So, give thanks. 

“…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

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