A couple weeks ago I was searching for binder clips in my desk drawers.  I knew I had some. Somewhere in there. I had to do some digging to get them.  While rifling through all the things, I came across something I had kept from years ago. 

It was a pig.

A ceramic art project from a former student.  I can still remember the afternoon she came into my classroom with this gift.  She was in my class the year before, and I had distinctly remembered her because she was always so sweet, but also incredibly shy. 

When she handed this pig to me, she explained that she had always been so afraid to speak out in class.  She went on to say that she remembered and used many of the techniques and strategies from my class to help her prepare a speech for one of her current classes.  She said she didn’t think she would ever be able to do it, and she thanked me for making it possible for her. She wanted me to have this pig that she had made to thank me for helping her. 

I was so touched because we teachers don’t always realize the difference we are making when we are trying to do what we know we need to do.  When we get those moments that remind us of our why, we tend to hang onto them. It was such a kind and thoughtful gesture that I still carry that pig from job to job, desk to desk, year to year.

To remind me… Just as it reminded me on this particular morning.  What a blessing!

I eventually found the binder clips that morning.  But I also found so much more. 

I wasn’t looking for this pig. I was looking for clips. 

I needed the clips.

I didn’t need the pig.

Or did I?

Sometimes we spend so much time searching for things we want.  Things we think we need.  And, we don’t take time to notice the gifts that actually sustain our souls. Those discoveries that have the ability to stir our hearts.  If we keep our eyes open in the exploring, we often find these things. Things we weren’t necessarily seeking.  Unexpected joy.

It’s so easy to get consumed with what we think we need.  Our eyes are on our wants.

We look. We ask. We wish. We pray.

God knows.  He hears. He loves and he gives. 

Sometimes He gives what we ask for. What we desire.

Sometimes He doesn’t.

Sometimes He gives us what we don’t ask for.

Sometimes He gives us different.

Sometimes He gives us more.

When we trust Him and watch Him work, we can rest in Him and His plan. 

Easy to say, hard to do. 

When we have actually experienced and are aware of the part where we didn’t ask, the part where He gives different, the part where He gives more…those are the moments when our faith in His goodness is strengthened.  We know. We see.  Until next time.

Always a next time.

Our faith. His blessings. 

So, as we begin a new year, some of us will start thinking about new goals.  Some of us will start looking for things we want, things we think we need. We will feel the pressure of others telling us who we are, what we need to be happy, what we should be searching for.

By turning our focus on the One who gives us the things that bless us, the things that grow us, the things that make us depend on Him so we can know.  We can believe.  We can trust.  In Him. Always.  Won’t you join me in turning our attention to Him this new year?  Seeking more of Him. And, then keep our eyes and heart open for all He gives.

And, hopefully, there’s a little pink pig in finding what you are looking for.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”  James 1:17 (NIV)

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