“I think it’s time for one of Mrs. James’s lectures.”  When my students heard this, it would prompt some of them to scream, “NOOOOO!!” Some would encourage me (because they knew they might get out of work for a few minutes), and some would just roll their eyes.  I had a class even tell me that I should publish a book of my lectures.  Ha!  Not sure anyone would read it, but maybe they thought that would be my outlet so they wouldn’t have to listen. 

However, anyone can tell you teachers teach more than the subjects they are assigned.  I felt a responsibility to explain the importance of hard work and accountability.  I wanted them to understand that positive attitudes and being kind are valued.  So, when I recognized a teachable moment, I jumped in.

As a mother, I gave similar and many more lectures at home while my girls were growing up.  And, even though they are twenty-somethings now and they are thoughtful, caring, smart, and responsible, I still share my sentiments with them.  Many times unwelcomed.

Did I always see behaviors change with my lectures?  Sometimes, yes.   Unfortunately, many times no.  Did that mean my hearers weren’t listening?  I don’t believe so.  I want to believe they did listen.  I hope that at some point they do think about what I tried to communicate.  Even if they did not act.  Why?  Because I like to think that was planting a seed for them to grow.  Or, I might’ve been nurturing or pruning an already planted seed.  But, one thing I just couldn’t do was watch untruths and the deceitful ways of the world plant and water those seeds.   Hence, the lectures.

As much as I wanted to control what my students or my daughters did or said, I did not hold that honor then.  I do not hold that honor now.  Just like you and me, our children, children of all ages, are forming their own beliefs, their own principles, their own opinions.  God grants us all that freedom.  We can shelter them, but only for so long. We can forbid some things, but only for so long. We can tell them what to say and do or believe, but only for so long. They will soon be out of our class, out of our homes, out of our control at some point. 

And, if you are just assuming they are learning what to think and what to do from some else, you are right.  Satan is more than happy to take on that responsibility.  And, you know what?  He doesn’t deliver his message in the form of a lecture.  It comes in the form of popular opinion.  It comes in the form of it’s what everybody else is doing or watching or believing.  It comes in the form of excusing what is blatantly evil for the sake of art.  It comes in the form of social icons claiming their version of Christianity over God’s word. It comes in the form of lies that sound good.

As a teacher then, and especially as a parent then and now, I hope I am getting some things right.  Just like you.  I have made and continue to make mistakes.  God doesn’t ask us to be perfect; His grace and His mercies are new each day. (Thank you, God!)  But that doesn’t mean we stop fighting the good fight, no matter how demanding it is.  Fighting for the Kingdom of God is worth it. I believe that, and I hope that you do too.

One of my favorite pieces of encouragement from Lysa Terkeurst says, “Don’t take too much credit for their good.  Don’t take too much credit for their bad. Don’t try to raise a good child. Raise a God-following adult.”

Sometimes this means having those difficult conversations (or lectures).  Sometimes it means consequences. Sometimes it means turning off the tv or the radio. Sometimes it means getting on your knees and asking God for direction.  But whatever it is, just do it.  Don’t give Satan that opportunity to do it instead because he will not think twice about taking it. He’s proving that to us every day.

Even though I am no longer teaching children in the classroom, I am blessed by living life among the children of God.  And, I am still a parent (of children who just might be rolling their eyes right now.)  So, lectures might still be a thing for Mrs. James.  But I will never apologize for doing my best to lead those I love to Christ.  Even if it’s not always the popular way of this world.  I pray my words, my thoughts, my actions give God glory and let His light shine through me (and my lectures) so that others can know His truth and the goodness that comes with living and loving like Jesus.  Won’t you join me? 

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 (NIV)

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