Starting a new year makes a lot of people think about being more productive in the coming days.  Clean the closets. Put all things Christmas away.  Go on a diet.  Join a gym.  Drink more water. Read my Bible.  Save money.

So much to do!

2020 was rough, so we want to start anew.  Make this year better. 

I love to set goals.  I am a planner, a doer.  I make lists of the lists I need to make.  I fill in my calendar months in advance. I feel accomplished. I feel in control.

But I’m not.

As I think about 2021, I think about some big changes in our household. A high school graduation (that may or may not happen.)  College decisions that need to be made (and paid for).  Wedding planning and big moves (oh my!) 

I think about my family still grieving the loss of my father.

I think about friends who are also grieving loved ones.

I think about my friends and their exciting life-changing events. 

I think about several friends who are fighting for their health back.

I think about school, my students, and what this year will look like.  Like it is now?  Like it used to be?  Something totally different?

I think about when we will see the end of COVID and be able to see some type of normalcy again.

I think about the pain, the suffering, the fear, and the hate in our world today.

And then, there are the things that I know nothing about at this time.  The unknown.

I am happy, excited, sad, worried, and scared.  I wrestle with these.  I try to figure out what to do.  I want to make a plan and make sure it works out the way I want. However, as much as I want to be in control of these things, I am not.  Thank God!  Literally! 

The lyrics in Hilary Scott’s “Thy Will” hit hard when I struggle with the control.

“Sometimes I gotta stop

Remember that you’re God

And I am not.”

God quiets my soul, and tell me to BE STILL.   He’s been in control, He is in control, and He will be in control.  Period. 

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.”  Deuteronomy 31:8

It’s easy to say, “I’m giving it to God”; it’s another thing to really do it.   

So, go ahead and organize your pantry and count your calories. But, my hope is that you find peace in knowing that our mighty God is in control as we enter 2021.  And, you are able to BE STILL.

Won’t you join me in giving it (whatever ‘it’ is) to God as we start a new year?  (Leave me a comment if you would like for me to join you in prayer.)

Happy New Year, friends!

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