I am not a morning person, but I’m not really a night owl either.  I like my sleep in the morning and at night.  And, maybe even a nap during the day.  But lately I’ve been more tired than usual.  I find that I am pouring that extra cup of coffee in the morning.  I’m looking for a quick pick me up in the afternoon, and I look forward to those early nights to bed.

When my girls were little, fatigue was a little too familiar for all the obvious reasons.  Many of you are there now.  But now, even if I am not physically tired, I am mentally exhausted.  For lots of reasons.  Many of you are there now as well.

Long days.

Sleepless nights.

Demanding work.

Stressful situations.

Tough decisions.

Waiting. Hurting. Questioning.

Worry. Lonely. Defeated.

There are times we know exactly why we are weary.  Then, there are other times, we are just plumb tuckered-out.  Not sure why. 

We might make time and space for rest.

We might cancel plans and spend a night in.

We might arrange for a relaxing activity.

We might reach out for support from others or we might cry alone.

Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it doesn’t. 

Maybe it’s temporary. But it doesn’t last.

Because many times it’s not our bodies that need the help.  It’s our souls.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)

When we start depending on the things of this world to sustain us, we will come up short.  God blesses us with moments to feed our souls.  He puts people in our lives to pour into us.  He knows us.  He knows what we need.  And, He is ready to give it to us.

But sometimes we are not listening to Him.   We listen to what the world is telling us instead:

Do what makes you happy. 

Give up the things that don’t give you joy.

Work the extra hours.  Get involved in all the activities.  Buy more stuff. Do all the things.

How many times are we doing what others say to do to live a full life and then wonder why we are drained? We try to live up to human standards and then wonder why we are not fulfilled?

Sometimes we want to justify.  Trying to do what’s best, not just for ourselves, but for our family. Or for the good of others.  Or we try to hide the tension.  Our focus is on the next thing, a better thing, the thing that broke us, the thing we have no control over.

When we go to God, He hears our hearts. 

He knows exactly what we need. 

He will hold us.  He will lead us. 

But we have to be willing to let Him. 

We can’t have it both ways.  We can’t hold on to those things of this world and ask Him to take care of our needs our way. 

When we are ready to accept His will, His way, we will experience His goodness.  We will be able to rest in Him and live in His peace.  

We go to Him and listen for His voice. 

We go to Him with eyes wide open to see how He is working for our good.

We go to Him with expectation in obedience. 

I am reminding myself to be still.  I am trying to focus on living in His presence so I am not missing the beautiful blessings He offers, including rest for my soul.

And, I may still be pouring the extra cup of coffee in the morning, but I am trusting that God is giving me just what I need when I need it when my faith is in Him alone.

Who else is joining me in these truths right now?

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