Who starts writing a blog during a pandemic? Aren’t we supposed to be panicking? Fretting about going back to school? Hoarding antibacterial wipes and toilet paper? Drinking wine? Shopping Amazon for masks?

Ok. I’ve done all of those things. And other things. And, I’m excited to say one of those things is writing again. Those of you who know me well, know that writing is something that is close to my heart.

So, here I am. Even if….I’m unsure of what is going to happen. Even if….I don’t feel that I have time. (I mean, school is starting, or is it?) Even if….I’ve started it a million times and not followed through. Even if……I’m not sure exactly what I’m doing. Even if…..the world seems crazy.

When I stop and think about just how crazy everything seems right now, Shel Silverstein’s poem, “If the World Was Crazy”, comes to mind. If you are not familiar with it, here is one of the stanzas in the poem:

If the world was crazy, you know what I’d wear?
A chocolate suit and a tie of eclair
Some marshmallow earmuffs, some licorice shoes
And I’d read a paper of peppermint news
I’d call the boys “Suzy” and I’d call the girls “Harry,”
I’d talk through my ears, and I always would carry
A paper umbrella for when it grew hazy
To keep in the rain, if the world was crazy

We could easily add a new stanza for 2020:

If the world was crazy, you know what I’d ask?
Why do I have to hide my smile with a mask?
When did we need to be reminded to be kind?
And then be shamed into how we make up our own minds?
How do I show love from six feet apart?
And will our school’s new methods still make us smart?
The pandemic has made us anxious and lazy
In 2020, when the world seemed crazy.

So, as we are trying to navigate through the crazy, this blog is meant to ENCOURAGE you in the following ways.

1. Share in grace and gratitude.
We all need a little more grace and gratitude in our lives. I promise to give it and hope to receive it throughout this blogging journey. Take time to forget the judgement, the animosity, the uncertainty. Take time to enjoy, appreciate, and live in the moments and memories we make every day!

2. Connect through stories and experiences.
I love stories! Listening to and telling stories. I love when my heart is moved, in joy and in sorrow. And, I love to laugh!  As a mother of three sassy daughters, an owner of two rowdy rescue dogs, and an educator of 30+ years, I have lots of stories to tell. I hope you will take this opportunity in this blog to share some of your experiences with me as well.

3. Provide structures to help guard your heart.
This sounds so formal. What it really means is, I’d like to feed our souls some of the good that gives joy. Scripture. Music. Quotes. Prayer. So much negative is thrown at us every day that I believe we have to be mindful of what enters, and what we choose to keep, in our minds. Our thoughts and our hearts should hold on to things that can give us hope, peace, and encouragement.

Even if the world seems crazy, let’s share and make the most of it!!

I’m excited for you to join me in this journey! Follow, like, subscribe, comment, etc. to let me know you are here! And, be looking for the next post soon!!

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”   Psalms 121: 1-2

4 Thoughts on “Even If…..the world seems crazy!”

  • Love this!
    Best wishes as you begin your blog journey! I for one, am looking forward to them!
    My brother gave me that scripture on a plaque for my 16th birthday…little did I understand at that time how true this was!

  • So glad you are writing again. You are such a special, kind, and giving person. I love how you share your stories and wisdom. They give us pause to think and bring comfort and hope.

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