Reflections in Retirement

Well, about a month into retirement, I’ve become aware of a few things.  I’m sure everyone’s experiences are different, but here are a few of my reflections:

  • Not setting an alarm is the best.

I don’t sleep late, but just knowing I CAN if I wanted to is a great feeling. Especially on Monday mornings!

  • Painting hurts my feet.

I love the accomplishment of having my foyer/hallways painted, but I am beginning to think I am too old for this kind of labor.

  • People ignore traffic laws worse during the day.

Or maybe I just notice it more because I am driving more during the day, but come on people, follow the rules!

  • I don’t have time for naps.

I do not know where all my time goes.  The days have literally been flying by!

  • Learning to love to cook is hard.

I’ve never really enjoyed cooking, but I have the time and patience to try new recipes. So, I make the effort. Baby steps.

  • I talk to my girls more than I ever have.

Early morning texts, FaceTime during the day, and phone calls at night. Sometimes for specific reasons, sometimes just to talk. Might be a few minutes, might be for hours. (A little encouragement for some of you mommas who have teenage girls who don’t talk much to you now.)

  • I savor the start of my day with Jesus even more.

Working or not, you can’t go wrong starting your day with Jesus, but taking your time when you read, study, pray, reread, and pray some more can be so sweet when those morning minutes are not limited.

  • Trying to Be Still and Know is easier said than done.

 I pray that I can hear His voice to guide my path during this chapter, and I know this “rest” is a gift.  But my mind has been trying to convince my heart that I might need to do everything I see or read about. 

  • Freedom in scheduling is delightful.

I don’t have to worry about the inconvenience of the before, during, or after time off.  I’m so looking forward to a few trips and visits where I don’t have to figure out work arrangements. (Especially a special trip to Texas in December.)

  • I’m never going to use most of “things” in my junk drawer.

I found confidence in the fact that if I’ve not used it by now, I’m really not ever going to use it.  Instead of saving the “maybe” for later because I’d always had so many other things to think about, I can now clear my thoughts and throw it out!

Retired or not, I hope to always see His goodness in my life, to hear His voice above all the noise, and follow Him boldly.  I know He is working in me and through me, preparing me for His purpose and my next adventures! And, I can’t wait to see where He leads me in the coming days, months, years.  What a blessing to have so many of you walking along this journey with me.

Share your thoughts with me! If you are retired, what would you add here?  Or, if you are not retired yet, maybe let me know of anticipated expectations when that time comes for you!!

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28 (ESV)

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