Time moves on. Even if we don’t want it to.

Kids grow up. Even if we are not ready.

Responsibilities fluctuate. Even if we’re not equipped.

Relationships come and go.  Even if love is still there.

Ebb and flow.  Ups and downs.

Mountain tops and depths of the valleys. 

Seasons of change.

Navigating a new chapter.

Many of us are sending kids to school, some kindergarten for first experiences away from home and some college, also first experiences away from home in a different way. 

Many of us are finding ourselves in different roles, shifting obligations, new goals and aspirations.

Many of us are watching and worrying as loved ones live outside our reach, praying for positive experiences and Godly influences.

Many of us are suffering, facing failure or loss or disappointment, waiting for the ache to lessen.

Wherever you are today, let me remind you of a few pieces of encouragement to keep close to your heart that will speak truth through your journey.

Even if our life is full of changes God is still the same.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”  Hebrews 13:8

Jesus is and always be the source of our joy and blessings.  His love sustains us, freely giving us grace and hope.  Same today as yesterday.  And, when we have faith in Him alone, we will surely continue to see His goodness in the future as well.

Even if our situations have left us shaken, God is not surprised.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”  Deuteronomy 31:8

He is sovereign and ultimately in control. He walks with us through the storms and his heart breaks, just as ours do.  But He offers comfort and strength when we call on Him.  And, when we surrender and allow Him to guide our steps, we will find peace that only He can give.

Even if we don’t have it all figured out yet, God knows and is working for our good.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”  Romans 8:28

His plans are perfect.  He is always working for our good, His purpose.  We don’t always see it or understand it. However, when we pray for our hearts to be aligned to His, for our wants to be His desires, for His will to be evident in our lives, even in the waiting, we will see Him work and find blessings in it.

Praying over so many who are struggling while walking through life filled with changes right now.  May His light shine upon you and guide you through these changes and challenges today. And, may your tomorrows be filled with His blessings, His love, and His peace.

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