Many prayers lifted in the coming weeks because some will and some won’t…

Teachers- some will and some won’t…

have rooms and rosters ready.

be able to keep up with the meetings and plans.

have help with last minute changes.

have students ready to learn.

start with heavy hearts and anxious thoughts.

Administrators-some will and some won’t…

have thought of and taken care of everything.

have all positions filled.

have support for requests and teacher needs.

have the capacity to give to all who depend on them.

have personal struggles to deal with.

Students-some will and some won’t…

come to school excited and motivated to learn.

have school supplies and new clothes.

have lots of friends and people who care about them.

be dealing with things they aren’t talking about.

have healthy meals, homework help, and plenty of rest.

Families-some will and some won’t

be prepared and organized for the first day.

back the teacher and the school’s policies and decisions.

have support systems and loved ones near.

always be running late, no matter what the reason.

have stress and sufferings while trying to do it all.

Some will fall into these categories and some won’t.  Some might be in-between.  But regardless, ALL will need prayers for blessings and peace and strength and courage…especially these next couple of weeks.   

Won’t you join me in cheering on and praying for ALL who work tirelessly, doing what’s best for our kids. 

Not because they do what they do for the social media likes.

Not for being the most popular or having the best scores. 

Not for the money or the attention. 

Not to compete or outdo our friends and neighbors. 

But because everyone in the business of kids-teaching them, raising them, coaching them, supporting them- is doing the Lord’s work. 

And because the enemy is out there and is strong.  He has his hands in our schools, in the lives of our educators, in our families, and he is leading our children into darkness.  He masks his evil in all forms of entertainment and music, in celebrities who seem safe and fun and trustworthy, in online activity and books and so much of the advertising for desired things. 

So today, we lift prayers for all, for a safe and fruitful year.  May you all have special moments, many laughs and fun adventures, lots of learning and love, and may you feel the many prayers for peace and protection, for strength and courage, for wisdom and guidance…from Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father, all throughout the year.

“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  Colossians 3:17 (ESV)

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