Lots of words have been spoken, lots of thoughts have been shared, lots of reactions have been expressed.

Lots going on in our world today.  Our broken world. 

Sin has been a part of our world from the beginning of time, literally.  And, when evil is obvious and thrown in our faces, when Satan has a hold on the things and the people we care about, when we witness activities that dishonor our God, we want to react.  We have things to say.  We try so hard to make people understand, to believe what we believe. 

And, then it seems there are lots of opinions.  Lots of judgement. Lots of attacks.

But in this broken world, when we, as believers, run into the enemy and his lies, our best defense is always to speak Truth, in love. 

There will always be those who are not in a position to receive this Truth.  Those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit, who do not know our Lord and Savior, those whose faith is in the things of this world.  Speak Truth anyway!  We never know when those seeds of Truth are being planted and are being nurtured for His glory.

There will always be those who are confused by this Truth.  Those who know Jesus, but are listening to the noise of the world.  Because it’s loud and people they know are making the deceit seem ok.  Speak Truth anyway.  We never know when the Lord is working on their hearts and leading them in His ways and His grace.

There will always be those who are Christ followers and already know God is good.  Those who know His is, has been, and always will be.  Those who know how the story ends and are praying along with you for the lost souls of our neighbors and loved ones.  Speak Truth anyway.  We never know how that devotion is influencing and creating unity among His people.

We have been witnessing lots of provocation, lots untruths, lots of animosity, lots of anger in our world lately.  And, there is a pretty good chance we will continue to witness all this in the coming months as well.  So, if you are feeling the ick of all the trending news these days or if you are feeling a little shaky with where you stand, let me encourage you today to read God’s word.  You will find Truth there. Fill your heart, your mind, your soul with scripture, not the opinions or feelings of others.  Guard your heart, ask for discernment, and spend some time in prayer. Take time to get to know Jesus and all He has for you.  The peace, the love, the hope, the blessings.

And then, when you have the opportunity, speak Truth in love.

“… so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ…”  Ephesians 4:14-15 (ESV)

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