The older I get…

the more I reflect,

the more I tell stories of days past,

the more I appreciate pictures that bring back special memories,

the more I love those moments that make me smile,

the more I am grateful for God’s goodness…

for the years and years and years of blessings.

When we are living life, sometimes savoring and sometimes surviving, we don’t always realize how those experiences are making memories and constructing future stories that will raise emotions in us.  We live in the moment, and how amazing that is!  Then, we move on to the next, because there are things to do, tasks to complete, people to see, goals to achieve.  We don’t always have time to think about how blessed we are right in the middle of what’s going on.  That minute, that day, that period in our life. 

And, that’s the beauty in our memories…

we can relive those perfect days, even if others don’t recall the same happenings.

we can recall the amusement, even if no one else laughs.

we can remember the love, even in the tender moments.

As this picture sparks those memories for me, I am aware of so many of the blessing from this day. It was taken fifteen years ago at my dad’s SURPRISE 80th birthday party.  Just look at us.  Besides the fact that my girls grew up in the blink of an eye and are living their big girl lives now, the memories from this day bring back so much joy in the celebration, the memories cause giggles from the mishaps of carrying out the festivities, and the memories also tug at my heart as life is so different since my dad has passed on to live with Jesus. 

I love this memory that is connected to this picture!

But even without the picture, my memories from that day have been and will always be close to my heart. And, along with this particular day, I have so many more days, so many more moments that I often think about and am so grateful for.  It might be sparked from a picture.  It might be a word or a phrase.  It might be a story or a meme or another memory. 

All are evidence of God’s goodness as we live out our days. 

So, today as I reminisce, I am also looking forward to so many special events coming up!  God is so good!

And as I live in those moments, I am going to try to be more intentional in making memories that will create the best stories and add joy to my life. 

I am going to try to appreciate those in my life more.  Those who sharpen me, who pour into me, who I get to live and love this life with.

And, I am going to continue to sing praises of God’s goodness in every blessing each day brings. 

Won’t you join me? 

Make the memories.

Take the pictures.

Thank God for His goodness.

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!”  Psalm 107:1 (ESV)

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