I recently had a conversation with a friend about being a “change agent,” someone who looks for ways to get better, seeks out innovative and more effective ways to do things. Some of us are natural when it comes to making changes.  We look at change as just a part of life; it keeps things interesting and encourages us to learn, to grow, to adapt.

Many of us educators might not be change agents, but we are used to change, from year to year, from day to day, from class to class, from minute to minute. Everything changes.  Our curriculum, our students, our methods, our rooms and schools, our leadership, our moods…the list goes on and on. Not much stays the same.

I wouldn’t have it any other way. I usually don’t mind change.  I actually like it…. IF I am in control of the change.

If I initiate it.  If I agree to it. If I anticipate a positive outcome.

In my thirty-five-year career, I’ve changed roles over fifteen times. And, I’ve loved each one.  I often encourage my loved ones, my children and my friends, to put themselves out there when a change or an opportunity surfaces.  Whatever they are wondering about, I advise them to try it! 

It’s better than being stuck or never knowing what could have been.

But even if the change seems to be a good one, there is still uncertainty attached to it. 

What if it doesn’t work out?  What will people think? Is it silly?

Will I be able to do it?  Be successful?

What is the cost (mentally or financially)?

Will it make me happy?  Will it be difficult?

Then, there is the change we don’t ask for. 

When circumstances out of our control force change in our lives.

It takes us by surprise. We weren’t ready.  We wanted more of the same.  We don’t know how to go on. But we have to. We are required to make the change. It’s not fair.

It might cause us to become frightened, anxious, maybe even angry.

There’s a good chance that you are dealing with changes in your life today. 

We all are.  Because that’s how life works. 

Maybe it’s work related. I know lots of you in this boat.

Maybe it’s health related.  I know a lot of you as well.

Maybe it’s learning to live without a loved one. I also know many of you.

Maybe it’s new or different family situations.  Yep, you too.

Maybe it’s a big deal or maybe it’s barely noticeable or somewhere in-between.

Maybe it’s exciting or maybe it’s devastating or somewhere in-between.

Maybe it’s long term or maybe it’s a short period of time.

Maybe others know about it or maybe just a few or maybe just you.

Whatever that change may be, knowing that our God does not change, that He is always the same, gives us the peace, the hope, and the comfort we need as we manage the changes in our lives.  All the changes.

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”  Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)

His love for us does not change with our conditions or environments or decisions. 

“Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.” Psalm 136:26 (ESV)

His promises are not only secure when we are settled. 

“Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”  Proverbs 30:5 (ESV)

His truth isn’t just certain when everything is working out the way we think it should be.

“But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.” 1 John 2: 27 (ESV)

Friends, we can trust His goodness in the unknown, during the change, when life looks different.

He is walking right beside us as we make changes, as we learn, grow, and adapt.  He is not surprised.  His plan for our lives is perfect. He will not leave us to figure it out without Him. He is working in us…when we call on Him, when our faith is in Him only, when we ask for discernment and understanding. 

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.”  Psalm 37:5 (ESV)

It’s not always easy.  But it will be worth it.  Every time.  I know this, because I know my God.  If you are finding yourself uneasy, nervous, or anxious with changes in your life, I would love to pray for you.  Watching God work is one of life’s greatest joys.  I would be honored to join you in your journey.  (I’ve already been praying for many of you; I hope you can feel these prayers.)

Feel free to comment here so others can pray as well or let me know via message, text, etc.

And, I will be sharing some my changes with you all in the coming months as well… Until then, I’ll leave you with this prayer.

Lord, we trust you with whatever comes next.  We know you are good.  We know you are God…  God of big things.  God of miracles, big and small. God of all blessings.  We know You are with us always.  You go before us, clearing a path, lighting our way.  You fight our battles. You are our protector and our savior.  Lord, even if we asked for this change or even if we did not, we know Your plan is perfect and Your goodness is chasing after us. We don’t deserve it, but we are so very grateful for it. Thank you, Lord. Open our eyes, our ears, our hearts to Your Word, to Your voice, to Your way so that we may follow You boldly and receive all that You have so ready to graciously give.  We love you, Jesus.  Amen.

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