I don’t know about you, but many times when I begin to think I will be able to slow down a bit, I actually don’t.  Other things take the place of all the things that were wearing me out, running me here and there, causing the fatigue, the tension, or the pressure.

Years of teaching created a somewhat fake sense of relaxation in the summer.  Sure, the early mornings, rushing out the door, hours of homework and grading were all (gladly) given up, but rest didn’t always take the place of those stressors. In their place…camps, trips, professional development, summer school, irregular schedules, messes, and noise.  Even when we look forward to all things summer, all the memories in the making, all the special moments, it still can be EXHAUSTING.

My husband has affectionately called me “Summer Marlene” for years during the months of June and July.  The difference in my daily mood could definitely be attributed to less of the excessive planning and more naps and Netflix.  However, we all know that the hassles are not necessarily exchanged for peace and calm, but have actually been traded one level of busy for another.

And, that can make us all a little CRAZY.  We want to enjoy our full life. We want to be all smiles and be grateful for the blessings. We don’t want to be sweating the small stuff, especially because we know there has been and will be big stuff to worry over.

So where is the relaxation?

The easy?

The rest?

The calm?

Sometimes I like to look for it at the beach.  The sound of the waves, the heat of the sunshine, hours carved out of the day just to read. 

Sometimes I like to look for it first thing in the morning.  My extra cup of coffee, my extended quiet time.

Sometimes I like to look for it in my people, my family and my friends.  Those in my circle who allow me to just breathe. Those who pour love and peace into my soul.  The laughter, the hugs, the long conversations.

Sometimes I like to look for it in my writing, the stories, the reflections, the sharing… (which I haven’t seemed to have much of lately!)

While I have been able to slow down a bit and enjoy the blessings in these outlets this summer, I am constantly reminded that my rest can only be found in Jesus. The things of this world might provide temporary respite, but true peace that soothes my soul is knowing God is good at being God. I can trust Him to give me exactly what I need, when I need it.  Again and again.

Even if my body is at rest, my mind is often all over the place. Like many of you, I know life can be so out of my control.  So many things happening all around me, and even if I am loving many of those things, even if I so very grateful for the goodness that God shows me every day and in every situation, I struggle to find rest or feel the calm if I am not focused on His presence.

So, even though I might be taking a break from some of the responsibilities and might become a little distracted right now, I want to make sure that Summer Marlene stays in perfect peace with these reminders.   Maybe they will be helpful to you as well.

  1.  Stay in His word.  I will read, study, meditate on scripture each day.  His word is filled with truth that will make Him and His ways known to me.
  2. Pray.  My relationship can only be strengthened by my time with Him.  Even though He already knows my heart, and all that is heavy on my heart. He yearns for this connection and is always there, ready to take care of my every need.
  3. Praise. I will fill my free time with the things that honor Him and watch Him work His goodness.  His blessings are many, and I want to be mindful and thankful for each one!
  4. Be still.  I want to hear His voice over all the noise of this world, and I want to follow Him.  I need to realize that I have to stop, be still, and open to where He is leading me for this to happen.

If you find yourself seeking peace, longing for rest, craving relaxation during what’s left of these long summer days, I certainly hope that you are able to experience some of the things that bring you joy and allow you to take it easy.  But I also hope that you will also find that perfect peace in our Lord and Savior that will sustain your soul and give you everything you need…today, tomorrow, and the days ahead.

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3 (ESV)

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