If you’re looking for something to be mad about, you will find it. 

It’s really not that hard.

People losing their minds over something somebody said.  The judgement grows every day.  Our social media feeds are inundated with opinions of people, some we have heard of, maybe some not.  It seems like so many want a piece of the attention.  Especially if the viewpoint sparks negativity.  It spreads like wildfire. 

If you’re looking for something to be offended by, you will find it. 

It’s really not that hard.

We might agree; we might disagree.  We have free choice.  We live in a world of sin.  There are speeches, interviews, rumors. Questionable topics. Unkind words. There are songs, movies, TikToks. Distasteful language.  Rude tone. Any of these could provoke hate, outrage, disparity. It’s everywhere.

But…If you’re looking for something to be grateful for, you can find that as well.

It’s not that hard.

God is good.  He showers us with His goodness in the midst of a broken world.  There are beautiful shades of color in the morning sky.  A sweet giggle from a little one is overheard.  We might get an unexpected blessing or a much-anticipated outcome. An outreached hand to help, a reassuring hug, or a nice word of encouragement might be offered. Lots of blessings.

And, if you are looking for peace, for love, for goodness, you can find those as well. 

It’s really not that hard.

Living in His presence will not only make us aware of the Fruit of the Spirit in others, but we will grow and be filled with peace, love, goodness, as well as joy, gentleness, patience, kindness, faithfulness, self-control ourselves.  When we know God, truly know Him, and accept salvation through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within us.  We continue to seek Him and His ways, to follow Him, to walk with Him and be more like Him. Then, we become more aware of His goodness, we experience His love, we sense His peace. 

Be mindful of what you find yourself looking for.  It’s so easy to get caught up in the ways of the world, to get sucked into the enemy’s lies.  Daily happenings will disappoint us. People we love will upset us. The news we hear or read will bother us.  We can choose to react to these things that make us mad or offend us, or we can choose to be grateful and live a life in the Spirit.  We can focus on what matters and give our attention to what’s good, what’s right, what’s true.It doesn’t have to be that hard.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.”  Galatians 5:22-26 (NIV)

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