Enough is Enough

I can still hear my mom say this to me and my sisters growing up!

I know I have said it more times than I can count.

I mean, are you even a mom if you haven’t said this at your breaking point?

Enough fussing.  Enough whining.  Enough fighting. Enough crying.

But what about when we begin asking ourselves when is enough ENOUGH?

Those things that rattle our minds and lay heavy on our hearts. When is that enough?

Enough doing. 

Enough working.

Enough helping.

Enough telling.

Enough worrying.

Enough competing

Enough stressing.

Enough hurting.

Never.  It’s never enough.

Life ebbs and flows. 

Our efforts seem to pay off at times, and not at other times.

Our voices are heard at times, and not at other times.

Our hearts are content at times, and not at other times.

Although we strive to make it to enough, we are never there. 

There is always more. More to do.  More to say.  More to feel. More to try. More to struggle. More to enjoy. More to give. More to take.

And, it’s ok.  We were never meant to live life to enough.  As much as we want, as much as we try to conquer the enoughs, we won’t.  

Enough will never be enough,

our souls cannot be soothed,

our minds will not experience peace,

our hearts won’t be restored,

UNTIL we lean on the One who created us to need Him, the One who wants us to know Him, the One who desires to give us enough, the One who is enough.

What have you had enough of lately?  What is causing you to cry, “Enough is enough!” 

God never meant for you to carry it, whatever it is.  Give it to Him. Ask Him to walk you through it. Watch Him work it out for your good. Trust Him to know enough, to do enough, and to be enough for you.  You will find that His love is enough, His grace is enough, His peace is enough; He is enough.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 (ESV)

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