Guilt. Annoyance. Bitterness.

Yes. No. Maybe

Impatience. Hurt. Control.

Enough.  Not enough.

Confusion. Anger. Fear.

More. No more.

Worry. Sorrow. Stress.

Ok. Not ok.

All the noise!! So loud!

Do you ever wish you could just turn off the chaos in your brain?

When my sisters and I would get in trouble growing up, my dad would deliver the consequence and say, “Not one more word!”  And, he meant it.  He said what he said; he did what he did. And, that was it!  But on occasion, one of my little sisters would answer, “OK!”  This was a response my dad was not looking for and many times it would cause more trouble.  The more she answered, the angrier he would get.  I’m not sure she was always trying to be contrary, but the command did not warrant a reply.  “Not one more word” meant quiet. Silence.  Be still.

I wonder how many times God is saying “Not one more word,” and we continue with all the words.  All the noise.  All the chaos.  He instructs us to be quiet.  To be still. Listen to Him.

But we hang onto the guilt and the hurt.  We linger in the worries and the stress. We explain our side to Him, like He doesn’t already know.  Like He doesn’t go before us.  Like He’s not already fighting our battles.  

We say we have faith.  We talk about His love. But the noise all around us is full of lies. It convinces us that we might not be enough.  That we need to hang onto the control or the fear or the bitterness.  We pray with all the words. Trying to justify.  Defending our notions. Doubting our confidence. All the noise.  So loud.

When we stop thinking we have to be control or make all the plans or have all the answers or consider all the what ifs, we can keep our focus on Him…

When we listen more than we speak and wait on Him, we allow God to quiet our souls.

When we stay in the Word, His word, His truth, we are reminded that He is good and His ways are perfect.

When we are able to be still and we know the peace that only He can give, we welcome the goodness in His purpose for our lives.

When we are aware of His presence, we are able to live and love and share in His glory. 

Some days are easier to be still than others.  Some days are just so loud.  Some days I need to be more intentional about being still.  The noise has really been a struggle for me lately.  If it has been for you as well, let’s stop and listen.  Let’s work on being still together.  Let’s be still and know.  He is God. 

Not one more word!

“Be still, and know that I am God…”  Psalm 46:10 (NIV)

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