What is that ‘thing’ that has you right now?

What is it that you are dealing with?

Struggling to get through?

Talking about?

Afraid of?

Is that ‘thing’ controlling you? 

Consuming your thoughts?

Are you constantly wondering, questioning, or is it just making you crazy right now?

Is it a person?  A situation?  Or both?

Maybe it’s a big event. Maybe it’s just a little feeling.

Maybe it’s a lot of unknowns.  Maybe it’s a lot of pressure. Maybe it’s just a lot of sadness.

We are all either there right now or have been, and we will be again. That’s how life works. In this world we have trials; we have circumstances where we need to make decisions or create boundaries or walk through fires.

Not all good, but not all bad.

Wherever you are, whatever that ‘thing’ is, I’d like to give you a little encouragement today.  Even if you are thinking that I have no idea what your battle is. 

And, you are right. 

I’m not living in your pain, your worry, your fear, your concerns.  

But I do know the One who is.

We sometimes say, “Praying for you” or “Giving it God,” thinking that will give comfort.  And, maybe it does.  I fully believe we all need people who pray for us, with us.  We can never go wrong with a ‘praying friend.’

But I want to encourage you today by giving you these words:

God is faithful.

And, His plans for you are good.

Hearing this or reading this is not the same as KNOWING this.

We can only know and understand this, trust and believe this, if we truly KNOW HIM.

To know Him and His love…

to know His word and know it is true…

to know His mercy and His grace…

to know He is good. So good.

Even when we are not, He is faithful.

Even if we don’t see it, His plans are good.

We know this because of who He is.  Not because of who we are.

We know this because of our relationship with Him. 

When we learn to trust Him,

when we pray through the ‘thing,’

we are aware of how He carries through these worries,

how he lifts us in the anxieties,

how he holds us through the storms,

we know He is faithful. 

We know His plans for us are good. 

We can find peace and rest in Him.

Again and again.

I’m leaning into His goodness right now and trusting Him to guide my ‘thing.’  I’m also keeping some very special people close to my heart and asking Jesus to take ahold of their hands and walk with them through their ‘things.’  Because I know.

What is that ‘thing’ that has you right now? 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

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