Let there be Peace….

In the morning.

I have shared many times how I adore my morning time.  If you have a ‘morning time’, you know what I am talking about. 

House is quiet, no one up yet or everyone gone. 

I ask Alexa to play praise music and I light a candle.

I make coffee and get my Bible out to read. 

Then, I read and reflect on my devotions.  Beth Moore’s Portraits of Devotion is one of my favorites; I’m reading through it a second time!

I think about, pray about, and write THREE things I am grateful for in my gratitude journal. Many of you are in there!

Then I pray for each person listed on my desk calendar; many of you are on there too!!

Then I do the other things.  I go over my to-do list, play Wordle, pay bills, scroll Facebook as I drink my coffee. 

It’s my favorite time of day.  Getting up early is not my favorite, but I can honestly admit, I can’t wait to get to my morning time some days!  When I don’t have to get to work, I add this, my writing, to my morning tasks.  And, what joy this time brings me.

But then, there are times when a quiet morning is not in the works. 

Somebody interrupts my time by getting up early. Noise. Questions. Ugh.

There are plans for breakfast.  

The dogs are amped up. 

We have guests getting up and on their way. 

Untimely calls or needs demand attention. 

As much as I covet my morning time, I have learned to welcome many of these distractions.  Because they are still blessings.  God reminds me that as He fills my heart and my soul during my time with Him, there are times when He gives me opportunities to have others bless me through giving, sharing, loving, appreciating.  I still try to steal some time, even in the hectic mornings, but it’s not the same. So, I try to focus on His goodness in the interruptions all the same.  And, it will also still bring me joy.

The holidays tend to do this to us.  We have plans.  We have schedules and routines.  They all get messed up.  Sometimes by choice; sometimes not. We expect peace. We anticipate joy.  It’s not how we imagined.  Is it possible to still focus on His goodness in the interruptions?  Can we still see His goodness when we have to resort to plan B?

Because not all distractions or interruptions are bad things. I love when God reminds us of this and gives us just what our heart needs, even when we don’t ‘plan’ it.  There is always peace in His presence.  His plan. His goodness. Thank you, Jesus.

So, the next day.  I look forward to it again.  The coffee. The reading and reflecting. The prayers. Peace to start my day. And, hopefully, writings to bless you all.   

Speaking of…. Please know that when you ask for prayers, you go on my list and are lifted in prayer!  So, feel free to reach out if you’d like me to add you!!  And, always know that so many of you, my readers, are constantly added in my gratitude journal.  SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU and the encouragement and love you constantly share! 

May we all enjoy Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward Men…

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.” 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

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