Like many of you, I wear several hats at my current job.  I am usually pretty good at making lists, prioritizing, and organizing my day, even when I am switching from instructional to testing tasks or juggling multiple grade level needs.  However, not long ago, I was assisting a couple of teachers with an upcoming assignment, and when they let me know I had a little extra time to complete my part, I wrote the activity on a post-it and went about my other business.  I knew what I needed to do, but it would take a little time to get it together.  And, I had other responsibilities that needed immediate attention.  So, it was put on the bottom of my to-do list….until the time came that it was needed.  Oops.  I had to admit that it was still on the bottom of my stack. Thank goodness, I got it done with a few days to spare, but that was not my intent. 

Do you ever feel like God works this way? 

Like He hears our prayers and records it on a post-it note for later, because he has more pressing things to attend to.  He has people who need healing and hearts that need restoring.  He’s busy walking others through fires and carrying some with comfort and care.

We pray and know that He hears our cries.  We remind ourselves that we are His and we try to grasp the truth in everything He does is for our good. 

But, golly, we just aren’t seeing it! 

Do we start thinking that maybe He’ll eventually get to me?  Maybe my needs have been put on the bottom of the stack?  And, why?  Why can’t my request be at the top of the to-do list?  Why am I waiting and others are not?

These are truths that I am reminded of when my mind goes there.  Maybe you need these reminders as well?

God is good at being God, even if we don’t understand.  He is not limited to doing one or two things on a to-do list.  He numbers the hairs on our head.  He is not holding out on us because He has other things to do.  He knows all; we do not.  And, we have to be okay with that.

“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  Luke 12:7 (NIV)

God is always at work in our lives, even if we don’t see it.  He doesn’t work on our timeline.  He has created us for a purpose; He is always up to something.  His will be done, not ours.  Sometimes instead of praying for something we want, maybe we should be praying that He places His will in our hearts so that His wants become our wants.  His way is always better.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28 (NIV)

God is always faithful, even if we are not.  When we feel the frustration and unfulfillment from this world, we want to try to make sense of it. We feel justified in walking away. We make excuses. But no matter what we do or say, we can always turn to Him.  He does not leave us.  His grace and mercy are always available.  We can be assured that when we pray, He DOES hear us.  Sometimes we can see where and how He leads, and sometimes we don’t. We just need to give it up.  To Him.  He loves us.  His goodness chases us.  Our trust and faith in Him will guide us toward His ways. 

“For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.” Psalm 33:4 (NIV)

So, if you are in a season of waiting and wanting, my hope is that you can rest in knowing that He is God.  And, He is good.  Even if…..

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