Now that school has started, some of you might see us lucky school personnel helping direct the morning traffic as students are being dropped off to begin their day of learning and fun!  Even if you are not part of this morning ritual, there are life lessons we all could be reminded of that mirror some of the procedures for a safe, effective, and pleasant drop-off.

  1. Follow the rules.  

The car line will usually move along smoothly if everyone is following the rules, much like our lives when we obey laws and follow the rules of society.  We have these laws and policies in order to be able to live and thrive in a civilized environment.   We have our opinions about them, and we might not always agree with them.  But just like the directions and expectations in the drop-off lane, they are there for a reason.  If you do this, the other lessons seem to fall in place more easily!

  • Stay in your lane. 

When you commit to the drop-off lane, you need to stay in that lane throughout the drop off procedure.  You cannot jump back and forth in the parking lot, and you cannot make another lane.  We sometimes want to think we might be a little more important, we might be in a little bit more of a hurry, we might think we don’t have to wait or stay in our lane because others in the lane are not doing what we want. 

At times we tend to think this way about other aspects of our lives as well.  We might think we should be allowed or excused for certain behaviors.  We might think we are just a little more important or have more rights to be able to make decisions or enforce our views or judgements.  And, just like in the drop-off lane, when that happens, the result often ends with others being offended or upset or hurt.  When we stay in our lane and just do what God has called us to do, we have so many more opportunities to experience His blessings.

  • Know when to get out. 

Anyone who handles morning drop offs at an elementary school knows some of those sweet littles DO NOT WANT TO and WILL NOT get out of the car, no matter how much prompting, prodding, and urging.  Then there are those who have no trouble getting out, but they are going to get out on their time.  They take a while to step out, and then there’s the backpack and the lunchbox and the water bottle and the jacket that can only be grasped with a good stretch into the back seat.  And, there some who are ready; their exit from the car looks effortless. Open door, step out, backpack and essentials in hand, close car door, and on the way into the building.

Life can be the same way.  Sometimes we are in a job or a relationship or a behavior where we will not budge.  We know we need to move on, get out, shift into the next place or stage.  But we don’t. Our loved ones can advise or insist, but we are like those little ones. NOPE! Others of us know we need to get out, but we take out time.  We are waiting for “a sign” or for that perfect situation to emerge. We open that door, but it’ll take a while to get all the essentials in order to completely walk away.  And then, those of us who know when it’s time to get out and are ready for the opportunity to leave in order to experience a better, a healthier, or maybe just different goal.  Having the faith that God will lead us to His purpose will always help direct our steps when it’s time to get out or move on.

  • Be patient. 

A lot of us are in a hurry most mornings, and even if we are not in a huge hurry, we still don’t like to wait.  If we are thinking we are going to go to a school, any school, and be able to just pull up and drop off and whisk away, we are dreaming!  It takes a while.  Some days will be more accommodating to our schedules and others won’t.

This, too, applies to our everyday life.  We sometimes believe we can do something quickly and efficiently, especially when we have a specific plan we want to accomplish.  Then we get held up, we get behind. The situation or the task, the hour or the day or the year, wherever we are and what we want seems to take forever.  There is a reason patience is a virtue; that it is a Fruit of the Spirit.  Sometimes just taking a breath, being still, and trusting that God has it all worked out, His timing and His way, are just the things we need in the wait.

  • Pay attention. 

There is so much going on first thing in the morning.  Some are arriving, some are leaving.  The flow is made up of foot traffic as well as vehicles.  A system is in place, but in order for it to work correctly, everyone needs to pay attention, no matter if you are walking, driving, disembarking, directing, coming or going, early or late, etc.  When we are on our phone, messing with our music, talking with others, our focus can be disrupted, which could leave the rest us at risk or at the least, inconvenienced.

The same is true for our daily interactions.  Being present has so many benefits, no matter if we are in the workplace, with our families, or just with the people we come in contact with as we go about our day.  Pay attention to what people say, what they do. Share in special moments, lend a helping hand or a listening ear, give your attention to the job, the assignment, the person.  It’s hard to live and love like Jesus when you are watching TikToks.

  • Smile. 

And, be kind. Just like Elf, smiling is my favorite. Mornings can be hectic, for all of us. We get in a hurry, we forgot the backpack or the water bottle, we are still upset about something that happened hours ago, we have so much on our minds.  Our kids are whiny, they are fighting, they’re crying, they forgot to tell us about the practice or the t-shirt.  Or maybe some of us just aren’t morning people. We need that coffee first. There are so many reasons not to smile, but there are so many more advantages when we smile and just be nice. Smile when we say good-bye, smile when we say good morning.  Smile when we say thank-you and have a good day. Smile through the tired, the frustration, the annoyance.  I guarantee we will all feel better; those smiles will lift others’ spirits as well.  And, wave!  (Those of us on duty especially love the smiles, the waves, and the doggie excitement!)

Even though there are times it might be difficult to smile through the life circumstances we are presented with and living through, kindness and consideration will never make those circumstance more difficult.  When we can find God’s goodness even in the storms, when we can smile and know Jesus is walking with us, we possess that joy that cannot be taken away. And we are blessed with those moments that are easy to smile through, don’t take it for granted!  Smile and be blessed through it all.

May we all experience God’s goodness and all the blessings in the drop off lane and in our lives, every day! 

“The Lord is good to all. And His loving-kindness is over all His works.” Psalm 145:9 (NLV)

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