“A friend loves at all times..” Proverbs 17:17

I was recently having dinner with a good friend.  It is not uncommon for us to talk for hours after our meal; many times we are forced out of the restaurant due to closing hours.  This particular evening was no different, except our extensive chatter had kept our waitress from clocking out.  After we realized this, we apologized and tried to remedy the situation with a nice tip before taking the rest of our conversation out to the parking lot.  Since our waitress had been waiting on us, she walked out shortly after us and noticed that we were still there in a deep discussion.  “You girls are STILL talking?!” was her reaction.  We chuckled because this was nothing new to us, but her next statement tugged at my heart a little.  She said, “I need to get some friends like you two.  Someone I can talk with for hours!”

There is nothing like spilling your soul, sharing your heart, and solving the world’s problems with true friends.  If you have them, you know what I am talking about.  I am constantly reminded of how my friends are such blessings, and I am forever grateful for them.  I do believe friendship is one of God’s greatest gifts to us.  And, I do not want to ever take advantage of the relationships He has so carefully placed in my life.

Growing up with three sisters close in age, I feel like I have had “girlfriends” my entire life. Small town shenanigans and college experiences continued to add people I call friends in my circle! I was dubbed the everlasting “always a bridesmaid” in my twenties as I happily stood beside my friends and acquired 13 beautiful bridesmaid gowns.  Then when I moved hours from home to start my big-girl job, I literally knew ONE person in the place I would call home for going on thirty-five years now.  Through all the life things, like work, church, marriage and kids, my circle quickly turned into an entire village!!  And, I am so blessed by so many of these people! Every. Single. Day.

Jennie Allen has very eloquently authored a book, Find Your People, about how important the power of connection is and how to create authentic relationships.  It is no wonder that it became a New York Times Bestseller.  People WANT this.  We CRAVE relationship.  We were meant to live in community. 

If you are fortunate enough to have this, let me encourage you to continue to nurture those relationships.  Keep them. Love them. 

Because we live in a world that promotes isolation.  Many of us work from home.  We struggle with social events.  We have overscheduled calendars.  We are tired.  We feel anxious, left-out, and lonely. And, we are led to believe that’s just the way it is meant to be. The enemy will tell you that you don’t need anyone.  You do you, and poop on anyone who tells you differently. But we were not created to live a life without people, without connection. We miss out on so much of the goodness God intends to give us when we stay shut out.

Some of us have been hurt by people we considered friends, and that’s tough.  I know I have been hurt, and I know I have hurt my friends. Sometimes genuine friendship can be messy.  I know I have tried to right wrongs, and I have learned forgiveness.  Sometimes it works out (thankfully), and sometimes it doesn’t.  And, that’s ok.  Not everyone is meant to be in your village.  But those who are there and keep coming back are not there by coincidence. Keep them. Love them.

Wherever you are in the continuum of friendship, I’d like to encourage you and your relationships today.   And, I pray you are blessed by these few reminders.

Pray for friends.  God wants you to live in fellowship.  If you are finding yourself in a place that is void of honest and real relationship, be bold and specific in your request. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in you as you meet and develop connections each day!

Pray for your friends.  Every day!  Sometimes you know what they are dealing with; sometimes you don’t.  Pray that the Lord blesses them.  Pray for their faith.  Thank God for their presence in your life and for the ways they are blessing you.

Love them.  Reach out, even if you can’t talk for hours.  Just let them know you are thinking of them.  Let them know you are praying for them.  Let them know you are grateful for their friendship. When do have the opportunity to see them, recognize what a blessing that is.  Hug them, laugh with them, cry with them, lean on them. Give and take. And, give and take some more!  Make the memories and cherish the moments.

Find your people.

Keep your people.

Love your people.

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