My current place of employment not only encourages us to take time off, but forces us to take Sabbath this week. All of us!!  So, there are no emails to catch up on, no meetings to schedule, no reports to review.  What a blessing to have this time for rest and reflection, especially since my summers look a little different now.  And, what better time than the middle of summer and the week of Even If’s three-year anniversary!

Taking time to slow down and focus on things like my faith and my wellness has been something that I have made a priority in the last few years.  It took me a while to get to the point where I didn’t have to be busy to feel productive.  I no longer have to plan every minute of my day and take care of all the things to prove anything to anyone.  Having adult children and a slower paced job has certainly helped open my calendar, but living in a culture that seems to advocate busyness sometimes makes it difficult to give attention to what is truly important.  I love taking long naps, binging Netflix, reading fun books, and visiting with friends, but writing has truly been something that soothes my soul.  When I share what’s on my heart and take time to reflect on God’s word to support my words, I can sense God’s goodness and see how He is working in my life.

I’ve actually been working on several different writing projects, but blogging seems to be something that God keeps steering me toward.  And, to tell you the truth, I am not sure if it’s more for you all or for me.  I started writing this three years ago with my audience in mind, thinking about what my readers would like to read.  However, the longer I do this blogging thing, the more I learn and the closer my walk with the Lord has become.  I have shifted from wanting the masses to follow me to wanting to write for an audience of one. And, that difference has blessed me (and hopefully, you as well.)

I am so encouraged by the reactions and comments, the likes and the new followers of Even If.   Then, there are some of you, who I don’t even realize are reading my posts, messaging me, texting me, or talking with me about my writing!  I am so appreciative of the constant support, kind words, and the love you so generously express regarding the things I share. One thing I pray daily is that the Holy Spirit will work through me and in me in all I say and I do.  And, I sincerely believe that is happening as I prepare, reflect, and write.  Thank you for being a part of confirming that!

So with that all that said, I am going to try to be a little more intentional and thoughtful with my blog as I continue to work on other writing projects as well. Not just during Sabbath, but throughout the year.  I am so grateful for those of you who are taking the time to read and cheer me on!  And, I’d love to encourage you to take the time for your own Sabbath, for whatever that “thing” is that gives you joy and soothes your soul. And, I pray that whatever that is, that is may glorify God as it blesses you.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”    Colossians 3:23

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