Twenty-six years of love and blessings!!

Lots of learning …. For both of us.  I learned to be a parent when Gillian was born 26 years ago today!  I can remember thinking when it was time to go home that I was shocked (and scared) that they would just let us walk out of the hospital with her!  Like we were supposed to know what to do with her! 

We figured it out, most of the time. Not without worry though, and a few tears at times. But mostly with beautiful moments and lots of giggles. I started my journey as a momma with Gillian, I was learning so much as she was learning …..

She learned to walk; I learned strength

She learned to read and write; I learned understanding

She learned to share; I learned patience

She learned her voice; I learned grace

She learned who her friends were; I learned to lean on my village

She learned to take chances; I learned hope

She learned success; I learned appreciation

She learned disappointment; I learned faith

She learned independence; I learned trust

She learned how to go after her dreams; I learned how to pray for peace…

Twenty-six years of love

Twenty-six years of learning

Twenty-six years of that love and learning turned into letting go…

I love every stage of growing up for all of my girls!  I really do.  I don’t spend a lot of time missing the younger years, but I do love visiting those memories!  Because all those memories and all the learning have had a part in creating the women they are…..(and the woman I am!)  I am so proud of the young women all my girls are, but today I celebrate the blessings of my oldest and will be visiting all the memories that I hold so dear to my heart! 

Happy Birthday, sweet Gillibug! Love you more!!

“And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.” Luke 2:40 (NIV)

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