I currently have 30 tabs open on my computer.  I have 8 documents minimized, and I have at least 8 screens opened on top of each other.

If you are reading this saying, “Same here,” THANK YOU!

I know I am not the only one who does this! Who thinks, “I’ll get to this in a few minutes so I’ll leave it open.”  Who thinks, “I don’t want to have to search for it when I need it, so I’ll just leave it open.”  Who truly believes this helps to stay efficient and able to manage time better?  And, who has a panic attack when the computer updates or shuts down without authorization and all those tabs need to be reset again!

Sometimes our lives and our brains mirror this type of management as well.  We tend to blame it on an attention deficit.  However, I wonder….were we really designed to have 30 tabs open in our brain and have multiple other activities minimized and opened on top of each other?

Beware of a life of busyness.

Normally, I would tell you that I’m the last person who should be issuing this warning.  I like being busy.  I feel like I’m productive when I am busy.  I like to be included and like being around people.  When my kids were younger, I thought they had to be involved in all the things. When I was teaching, there were always a million things to do, and all my days seemed to be “busy.”  Then add other life events on top of it all, like graduations, weddings, etc. Especially this time of year. All the tabs open.

Would I complain when I felt like I was running around like crazy?  Of course, I did.  But, I still did it.  Sometimes happily, sometimes begrudgingly.  Usually, I thrived in all the busyness.  I tried to say in control and on top of all the tabs.  I was busy living life and loving the special moments.  And, I didn’t even notice what was missing.   

I was missing ‘real’ quiet time with God.

I was missing His peace, and all the blessings in being still.

I was missing His voice, reminding me of who I am.

I was missing the awareness of how He was working in my life.

Even though I was attending church and all the church activities, the enemy was at work keeping me busy and away from truly worshipping and glorifying God in all I do.

Even though I was praying and reading the Bible, the enemy was at work keeping me busy and away from freedom that comes in genuinely knowing God and who He has created me to be.

Even though I am able to live at a slower pace these days with a career shift and a semi-empty nest, the enemy is still at work trying to keep me busy in a different way to steal my joy and my understanding of God’s truth.

Sometimes my tabs look like distraction and activity.  Sometimes my tabs look like obligation or commitment. Sometimes my tabs look like confusion or fear.  Sometimes my tabs look like worry or guilt.  Sometimes my tabs look like anger or envy. Sometimes they are all open. Sometimes only one or two.  But regardless, the enemy will always try to keep me busy and keep my attention from what truly matters. 

How many tabs are open in your life right now? 

Are they causing you to miss what God has promised you?  Are they causing you to miss the blessings and the freedoms that come from knowing Him?  Is it time to shut them down and turn to Him?  I would love to encourage you, walk alongside you, pray with you. 

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”  Psalm 46:10 (NIV)


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