Or maybe I should say I don’t sing well. 

I do sing.  Or, I think I do.  I mimic sounds. I love different kinds of music and will listen and try to carry a tune, but I admit I am careful who will hear me. 

I first realized this when I was in elementary school, and my music teacher explained to me that I would not be asked to join the jr. high choir. The choir that many of my friends were allowed to be a part of.  My heart was broken.  For a moment.  I was not surprised, but a part of me was hopeful that maybe I could have a little talent in that area.

I also am not athletic.  At all.

I try.  I exercise.  But I am not coordinated. At all.  Anyone who has witnessed any activity that has displayed my physical ability will agree.  My lack of coordination usually doesn’t stop me from participating in various physical experiences; I just don’t excel at them.  For example, when step aerobics was a thing, I worked my tail off trying to get that choreography down.  I would focus so much on the movements that many times I would fall over the “step.” 

Although there are many things I can’t do or do well, I know the Lord has blessed me with some things that I can do.  And, I am grateful for those gifts.  I know God has very carefully designed each one of us to possess various talents and capabilities.  We are all created for a purpose, His purpose.  However, all of us are not created with the same purpose.

At one point of frustration when working with a group of educators years ago, I selfishly admitted to a trusted colleague that if everyone would just think ‘like me,’ my life would be so much easier.  I often encourage those around me to use correct grammar and cringe when they don’t.   I expect my girls to make decisions like I would.  I am annoyed when my husband doesn’t give me the response that I want.

But I am not them. And, they are not me.  It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. Not everyone is a singer.  Not everyone is an athlete.  And, not everyone is going to think or act like me.

And, that’s ok.

I enjoy the songs that others sing. 

I appreciate those who are athletic.

I am so glad there are educators who are natural-born nurturers.  I have so much to learn from the teachers who show grace and have different mindsets and ideas.

I love watching my girls grow and admire what touches their hearts.

I am thankful my husband is patient and kind and tells what I need to hear, not always what I want to hear.

But, I will probably always correct you, if you use improper grammar!  (I will try not to judge.)

When we don’t acknowledge the fact that the gifts other have can still bless us, the enemy will tell us that we should be upset or bitter.  If it’s a skill or a talent we desire, we could become envious or resentful.

When we don’t recognize our own gifts, the enemy will tell us that we are not enough.  Our worry, our stress, our anxiety will take over and deem us unworthy.

But when we know that God created us on purpose for a purpose, we can not only rest in that truth, but treasure it.  He didn’t make you like anyone else and didn’t make anyone else like you because each of us has a different plan. However, we are all part of God’s perfect plan.  He wants us to use those gifts to glorify Him, and we will in turn receive His goodness.

How can you use your gifts today? 

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”  Romans 12:6-8 (NIV)

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