Just Push Off and Let Go

“Trust me!”

Easy to say; hard to do.

How many of us have heard this before?  Do you do it?

How easy is it for you to trust others? 

When I was teaching middle school, the PE department had a rock-climbing wall installed.  It created all kinds of excitement!  Because I wanted to appear cool to the kids and say that I had already climbed it, I volunteered to try it out with some other staff members before we presented the opportunity to the students.  Although I do not have much of an adventurous spirit, I talked myself into thinking it was no big deal.  And, it wasn’t.  Climbing it, that is.  I strapped in my harness and belay device.  I followed the directions as to where my feet were to land.  And, I made it.  All the way to the top without much difficulty.

What I failed to consider, though, was the descent.  I was casually instructed, “Just push off and let go.” 

What?  LET GO? 

I was 10-12 feet up, confidently holding on, and I was told that I had to let go to get down?  I was assured that I could trust my belayer. After all he had been trained and had total control of the situation.  All I had to do was push off and let go.  I can tell you I was a little disappointed in myself.  Not because I couldn’t do it, but because I had not even thought about this.  All my preparations had centered around how to climb up, not how to get down.  After a lot of shouts of persuasion from those who were watching and those waiting their turn, I finally did as I was told.  I closed my eyes, I pushed off, and I screamed as I let go and fell safely to the mat on the ground. 

As long as I was holding on, I had nowhere to go.  I had to trust the belayer.  I had to trust that those who knew were telling me the truth to keep me safe.  I had to do as they instructed so I could remain unharmed and get back on solid ground.

I wonder how many times we do this in life.  We are comfortable as long as we have some control, as long as we are holding onto something.  Our hands and feet have places to rest, and we feel have what it takes to take the next step. Our self-assurance keeps us going….until we can’t keep going anymore.  We get to a place where we have to make a decision what we are going to do.  We might try to continue to hold on, but chances are we will get tired or frazzled or desperate to the point where we will need to move.  Do we try it on our own?  Trusting our own judgement to keep us safe.  Or do we just “let go” and trust God to guide us back to solid ground?

Just like I had to trust my belayer and my instructors that day to let go, I know there are times I need to put my faith in God and let go of situations that I try to control or feelings that I struggle to manage.  Sometimes it’s easier than others; I might try to hold on or find my way by myself.  But God has always been faithful.  When I have closed my eyes, pushed off, and screamed as I let go of things that I so tightly clung to, God was there when I called on Him.  He held me. Protected me. Led me to where I needed to be.  Time and time again.

Is there something you’ve been holding onto, and it’s time to let it go?

Maybe it’s control, worry, or fear.  Or it might be failure, shame, or anger.

Is God shouting at you to release it to Him?

Or maybe He is whispering in your heart that you can trust him.

Whatever you are facing today, friends, my hope is that you know God is already there.  He knows your struggle and wants to take it for you.  He wants you to “let go” and surrender it all to Him.  You can trust Him when He says, “Trust me.”  Every. Time.  So just push off, and let go! And, watch God work…….

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

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