What if I get COVID?

What if my husband has a heart attack?

What if my daughter has an accident?

What if Indiana House Bill 1134 passes?

What if my students fail this assessment?

What if it rains on my daughter’s wedding day?

What if my comment came across as rude?

What if my mom falls and no one is there to help?

What if I can’t get back to sleep?

What if I make a wrong decision?

What if I didn’t do enough?

What if I forget?

What if..

What if…

What if….

Can you relate? 

The anxiety. 

The worry. 

The hurt. 

The guilt.

The unknown.

Your “What Ifs” might look similar to mine or they might be different, but I bet you find yourself trying to control the What Ifs that sometimes pop in your mind; sometimes they live there!  And, sometimes those What Ifs give birth to new What ifs, and they just keeps multiplying.  

I just need some peace!  But how?

 We say that we will give it to God, but do we really?  Why is it so difficult to let it go? Why do we feel like we have to control every. little. thing? 

Because Satan says so.  Satan tells us to live in fear, to live in the What ifs.  Satan tells us it’s all up to us, and we are never good enough. Satan tells us that God may work in others’ lives, but not ours. We don’t even realize how Satan worms himself into our minds and our hearts through the news, through judgement, through what the world says we need to be, through his lies.  We are not consciously giving Satan that power, but when we start playing the What If game, it happens. 

Fear says What If; Faith says Even If. 

It’s a shift in thinking.  Our narrative, our self-talk has to change. And, I believe it has to be intentional.  When I think about how God has gone before me and He is with me now, I am reminded that “Even If” my situation is not ideal at the moment, He has the power to control it.  Not me.  His will, His way. Not mine!

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

He is always at work in our lives.  Always.  And, He is working for our good.  He doesn’t start something and then leave it for us to take over. He doesn’t instruct us to go ahead and try it on our own and He’ll get to it if He has time.  He doesn’t imply that my situation isn’t worthy of His effort.

Our faith tells us to trust Him and His plans for us.  Our faith tells us that we don’t have to worry or control it, because He will. Our faith tells us that He has already taken care of every.little.thing. 

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

So when my mind starts playing the What Ifs, what if I just started praying the Even ifs?

Lord, I thank you for your steadfast love.  EVEN IF the uncertainties of this world are coming at me, I know I can trust that you are God.  EVEN IF it’s not my plan, I have faith that you are with me every step of the way working all things for my good.  EVEN IF I feel out of control, I believe in you and your power.  EVEN IF I feel less than, I am reminded that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Thank you, Lord, for your grace, your mercy, and the peace that only you can give.  AMEN.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  John 14:27 (NIV)

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