Sometimes I get in a mood.  A funk.  I want to argue with everything I hear.  I tend to disagree with everything I read.  I’m inclined to criticize everything I see.  My attitude is justified in my mind.  Because of something. Because of everything.

I’ve been in this funk lately.  It’s made it difficult for me to write, so I’ve not been posting.  My blog is intended to be encouraging, and, honestly, it’s a challenge to write something encouraging from my heart if my heart is not in the right place.

It might be because school has started and it’s hard.  It might be because I’m tired, always tired.  It might be because loved ones are hurting. It might be because parenting adult children is still demanding in a different way. It might be because of all the negative news and divisiveness that is going on all around us.

Or, it might be because I’m not guarding my heart.

If I am not prepared to guard my heart, I can feel the agitation swell into the very places of my life that I love, that I need, that sustain me.  Because when I start the judging, the grumbling, the whining, the justifying of my side, I start feeling less than.  I struggle to work productively. I struggle to speak kind words. I struggle to provide encouragement. I struggle to live and love like Jesus.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

When life gets busy and stressful, it is sometimes easy to ignore what is happening to our hearts.  At least for me it is. One negative thought becomes a negative word, the negative word becomes a negative conversation. The negative conversation becomes a negative attitude. The negative attitude turns into negative actions and feelings. And, so it goes….

In our neglect, Satan sees an opening. Once he takes over, it’s scary! Our hearts become more and more hardened, and it’s more and more difficult to get out of the funk. 

I do believe we have to be intentional in guarding our hearts.  We have to be careful what we allow to fill our hearts.  When my youngest, Hadley, was little, I used to ask her what her heart was full of.  Her answer was always “chicken.”  I don’t think chicken is going to help, but these are some of the things I try to focus on to fill my heart:

  1. God’s Word.  Stay close to God.  He is, was, and will be there with you.  Pray, read your Bible, listen to praise music.  All of this.  Look for His goodness.  Listen for His truth. Know His promises. He is always faithful.
  2. Loved ones. Surround yourself with people who truly love and support you. Not everyone in your circle is part of your village.  Know the difference and keep your village close.
  3. Grace. For others as well as yourself.  

And, I have to make sure I keep some things out:

  1. News. Be selective.  Everything you see and read is not truth. Be informed, but don’t be led down a path that ends with Satan’s deceptions.
  2. Negativity. Misery loves company.  Once the negative thoughts and words start, Satan starts worming his way into everything we experience. Back Satan off!
  3. Lies. Satan lies so well that we will start believing him if our hearts are not in a position to receive God’s truths. The lies are everywhere, and they are loud.  Don’t fall for them.

As I start this week, I’m already working on being extremely intentional with guarding my heart.  Even if the world is full of fear, hatred, stress, and sadness, I can rest in God’s love.  And, you can too!  Be blessed, friends!  Guard your hearts and have a wonderful week!

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