“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives…..” I loved the opening to the once-popular soap opera, Days of Our Lives. How could you hear those words and not feel the excitement and wonder what would be happening to Bo, Hope, or Marlena (my favorite) in the next hour.  The sand would sift, sixty minutes of debauchery and shamelessness would pass, and before you knew it, that particular day of their life was over …until it happened all over again the next day.

The sands in our hourglasses tend to sift through that tiny hole in much the same way. The bulk of sand seems to take a while to make its way to the bottom at first, especially if you’re watching it.  But the more grains that fall, the faster they seem to go. 

Time flies, isn’t that what ‘they’ say?

When my kids were little, I didn’t realize how fast the time was flying.  I was too busy surviving. There was so much to do; I didn’t have time to think about how quickly they were growing up.  By the time I started to realize it, the grains of sand were spilling through the opening into adulthood, and I couldn’t stop it.  Now, I actually have time to savor the precious moments as my girls are starting to live their big girl lives.  We’ve got college, careers, and weddings happening, and I am loving every minute of it.

I love this chapter of life.  Really, I do. I don’t dwell on the days of the past.  I loved them too, and I value those memories.  However, I look forward to these new experiences.  Empty nesting doesn’t make me sad; it makes me excited to see what God has in store for my sweeties…and for me!!  I’m still Hadley’s, Meredith’s, and Gillian’s mom, but, with a lot of faith and hope, I know they are ready to spread their wings.  My job as their mother is and was to raise independent, God-following adults. 

Now, I trust God to light my path through this chapter.  I know a girl never outgrows needing her momma, because I haven’t outgrown needing mine, even at this age.  But the needs are different. My needs are different.  And, to me, it’s exciting! 

So if you are finding yourself in this chapter with me, let’s embrace all that God is making happen as those grains fall.  If your hourglass is full, be aware those grains are swift and cascade through all those busy, exhausting, and entertaining moments.  No matter where you find yourself, love where you are and trust God through the good, the bad, and even the ugly.  And, if you are around me in August, you might have to remind me that I wrote this!

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

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