Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, but the blood, sweat, and tears can so graciously lead to God’s goodness. As my husband and I raise three young women, I have stories upon stories of the good, the bad, and the ugly.  It’s not been all pretty princesses and unicorns, but in the end, I am beyond proud of all three of them, each with a completely different path to adulthood. I wish I could say it gets easier as they get older, but it’s just different, not necessarily easier. Parenting is hard. Learning to trust God has led me to these truths that I continue to instill in my daily walk as I parent the girls God so generously entrusted to me.

  1. Love where you are.

Each chapter of parenthood is filled with choices, challenges and charm.  The baby stage was not my favorite, but there were definitely favorite moments. Raising teenagers was busy, high-spirited, and demanding.  And, it was gone in a flash!  Now witnessing my adult daughters living their big girl lives warms my heart and sustains my soul.  I try not to wish away one stage in anticipation of another, and I try not to live too long in the past.  I love each age and all the blessings that come with those years.

2. Discover, lean on, and support your village.

I love my people.  I have been so fortunate to be connected to some amazing families who are more than friends to me; they are my village, my go-tos.  They love my children; they give them rides, food, advice, and more.  They listen to me and encourage me. They celebrate the proud moments with me, and they mourn the losses with me. My girls love them like family, and we are lucky.  I need them; I don’t know how I would make my life work without them.

3. Pray, always pray.

God is good; He knows what we need and when we need it.  One of the things I started doing when my girls were still school age was praying on the way to school each morning.  Each one of us prayed out loud; it was a wonderful way to start our day, even on the crummy starts out the door.  Sharing what was on our hearts each morning not only brightened my day but taught us all how God was working in our lives each and every day.  These days I’m praying by myself on the way to work, but my girls know prayer is always the answer, no matter what, especially when you start the day!

What are some of the truths you’ve learned as you’ve traveled through motherhood? Share your stories.  Share your secrets.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I wish many blessings upon the all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and family friends, everyone who has a part in mothering, nurturing, and loving our children. 

“Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV)

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