Last year I asked all of my students to join me in choosing one word that they wanted to concentrate on for the entire year.  I chose the word “INTENTIONAL”.  I wanted to be more intentional with my writing.  More intentional with my bible study.  More intentional with my time.  More intentional with what I fill my mind and my heart.

I was intentional…for a while…

Then the COVID-19 virus hit, and I didn’t really think about being intentional.  My thoughts were consumed with teaching remotely, missing my friends, my students and my family, and wondering when things would get back to normal.  I was thinking more about how to survive, rather than how to be intentional.

I had to be careful where I let my mind go.  I made contact with my students and my friends on a regular basis.  I went for walks to clear my mind and relieve my stress.   I turned off the news. I cried when I was overwhelmed.  

But I was intentional when I went to God with my worries as well as my gratitude.   

And, with that prayer and praise, I received peace. 

That doesn’t naturally happen.  Our minds don’t automatically go to God.  They go to deliberations, like what if…, why…, how… And, then what an incredible web we can weave from those initial thoughts.

I truly believe we need to be careful, or intentional, with what we allow into our minds and hearts.  The worldly concerns, the fear, the burdens, the personal struggles can easily consume our minds and work their way into our hearts if we are not careful.  Satan bombards us through the news, social media, and even our daily conversations with the best intentions with feelings of anxiety and hate.  And, before we know it, we are not even aware of what is emerging from our minds, our mouths, our hearts.

I know.  I’ve been there. 

When we constantly feed our hearts and mind negative thoughts about how people or circumstances treat us, we are in a constant state of anger.  When we constantly tell ourselves or others that we are not worthy, we believe that.  When we let the matters of the world inform our decisions, we are full of fear and/or angst.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

When I feel the weights of this world (resentment, loss, worry, failure), I am trying to be more intentional by doing these things:

  1. I tell myself to stop and go to God in that moment.  I tell myself to recognize that Satan is trying to control my thoughts and I cannot let that happen.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. -James 4:7 (ESV)

  • I listen to praise music.  I mean really listen.  Let the words speak directly to my heart!  I occasionally sing these words, much to my daughters’ disliking!  I cannot carry a tune to save my soul, but I figure God doesn’t care like my family does!  Ha ha!

Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wondrous works. – Psalm 105:2 (NIV)

  • I think about the many blessings God has given me.  When I  focus on my gratitude, I am overwhelmed with the evidence of His goodness all around me.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. -Psalms 136:1 (NIV)

  • I stand on the truth, as difficult as it is at times, that God is good.  I remind myself of His perfect timing and faithfulness.

The LORD’S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. -Lamentations 3:22-23 (NASB)

This is not a one shot deal. I am intentional with these every single day.  Sometimes all day long.  And, I can tell you that when I am intentional, I am able to receive the peace that only our God can give.  When my heart is at peace, I am able to live and love more like Jesus.

For this coming year, I took a quiz to determine my “word” for 2021.  The result was CONNECT.  At first, I thought that was a weak word compared to everything I felt INTENTIONAL was for me this year.  But the more I think about it, I think it could be pretty powerful in CONNECTING with all of you, through my writing and my sharing. 

So, if you will, let me connect with you! What I can do for you through this page?  Can I share something specific for you here?  How can I pray for you this year?  How can I encourage you?  Will you be willing to share this page with your friends, so we can form a supporting community?  CONNECT just might be perfect for me.  And you. 

What’s your word for 2021?

2 Thoughts on “What’s Your Word?”

  • Choice. Choice is my word for 2021. I have a choice in what I do, how I respond, how I spend my time, etc. Choice.

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