My blog, Even If, hit 500 followers this week.  While this might not mean a lot to some, it means a lot of things to me.

It means that I have a sweet circle of friends who consistently encourage and support me by following, liking, commenting, and sharing my blog. 

It means that many of you have identified with my words, my heart, my thoughts. 

It means that I am able to communicate with people I may not know, but our love for Jesus and His Word keep us connected.

It means that as I pray that God uses my writing to bless those who read it, He continues to guide my posts according to His plans.

It means that God uses my vulnerability for His glory when I am bold enough to stand on His word and faith in His purpose.

Writing EVEN IF began several years ago as a “what if” and I really didn’t know what to expect. If I am honest, I really didn’t know what I was doing.  I didn’t ask for follows or try to promote what I was wanting to accomplish.  But I will admit I have enjoyed the writings, the interactions, the passion to continue to write for different projects and platforms as the years have gone by.  I have learned much.  About my writing.  About my walk with the Lord.  About my faith in Him and His purpose for my life.  Not only is my writing not the same, but I am not the same.

My “what if” has turned into leaning into what God has planned EVEN IF things don’t go my way, EVEN IF my writing does not prove successful, EVEN IF I am only planting seeds, EVEN IF just one person is thinking more about Jesus because of my blog.

So, as I want to continue to stay faithful to my writing and want to see it through, I am always trying to be obedient to what the Holy Spirit is doing in me and through me.  I don’t know where He will lead me, but one thing that I do know is that I am forever grateful for YOU, my followers, my friends, my readers, my encouragers.   THANK YOU for walking beside me during this writing journey.  If you are one of the 500, THANK YOU!  If you are a committed reader, THANK YOU!  If you are an occasional reader, THANK YOU!  500 might not seem like a lot to you, but YOU all mean the world to me! 

I pray that God will continue to use Even if to lead you (and me) into His goodness and blessings in knowing Him and living in His love.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 (NIV)

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