You are in my thoughts and prayers.

We will pray for you.

Prayers lifted.


We are sometimes so casual with our words, with good intentions. To show we care for someone we love.  We feel sorrow, sadness, grief, concern, or fear.  

Is this something we say or is it something we do? 

Never underestimate the power of praying for another.

We can be concerned and truly want comfort for those we know are hurting. We can let them know they are loved and hope for the best.  We can be worried about someone and sincerely want things to work out a certain way but end up leaving it to luck.

However, when we intercede and go to God with our requests, we know He hears us.  He not only commands us to pray for others, but He invites us to be a part of the work that He is doing.  He doesn’t need our prayers in order to do the work.  He gifts us with the act of praying, a blessing, a way to communicate, a way to have a relationship with Him.  And, He will continue to bless us when we pray, when we connect our minds, our hearts, and our souls with Him, for ourselves as well as for others.

When we pray, our requests for others may not be granted as wishes, just as prayers for ourselves are not always clear to God’s ways.  We don’t always understand what He is doing, but we can pray for peace, for comfort, for faith to be strengthened, for salvation, for the Holy Spirit to be present and work in the lives of those we pray for.

Maybe you are like me and have felt incredible peace during a difficult time.  My situation didn’t change, but I could feel the burden on my heart lighten.  Times I didn’t have words, but I know others had just the right plea that could soothe my soul. There was no doubt I had sweet friends in Christ lifting me in prayer.

Or, maybe you are like me and have experienced the excitement from a friend’s answered prayer that you prayed for.  I know it wasn’t because of me, but I do get to enjoy the blessing of having that front row seat to His work.

Sometimes, though, I am praying and receive an outcome that causes me to question God’s plan.  It’s in those times that I am reminded to continue to pray for my peace and my faith, as well as those I am praying for. I am reminded that He will work for our good, even in the troubling times. The blessings in knowing this may or may not be revealed right away, but I know God is good and is working.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Today, I am praying for many.  Near and far. The struggles and the sickness.  The uncertain and the unrest.  I am praying for peace for some, joy for others, healing for quite a few, and salvation for all.

Won’t you stop and pray for those heavy on your hearts right now.  And, may blessings abound.

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

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