2022: Beginning, Middle, End.

Planners like me love structure.  Probably the reason I love being an English teacher. There is something satisfying with starting a writing new, organized, and focused…. then having an ending in mind. 

I always encourage my students to prewrite. What’s the plan? And, I explain that every detail doesn’t have to be part of the story map.  Those details will just happen, but the overall idea needs be followed to get to the end.

I like to organize my life this way as well.  January, the beginning.  I can prewrite a blueprint for the new year.  Starting the year new, organized, focused.  My plan might include how much money I’m going to save or how much weight I’m going to lose.  I envision strategies for home projects, summer activities, or writing goals.

I don’t need to plot every detail, but I’d like my overall plan to be followed…with the ending in sight.  The intention is always good, but no matter how well thought out the plan is, just one unexpected detail can throw off the entire story board.  And, before I know it, I have an entirely different story than the one I devised, including the end of my story, my year.

But I still want a plan.  I still prewrite every January, knowing it doesn’t ever play out according to my plan.  Then, I just start over the next January.

With the new year almost upon us, I’m thinking about my prewrite for 2022.  And, while I’d love to lose a few pounds and clean out the bonus room, the strategy for my story-my life, looks a little different this year.  It involves my focus to be less of me and my wishes and more of God and His will.

Sounds easy, right?  God’s will be done.  Simple.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10 (NIV)

But, what about MY idea of what I think should be done.  Because, I can come up with a ‘good’ plan, right?  There are times when I try to live out MY plan and try to align it with what I think God might like.  I look for God to work in MY plan, and then I get discouraged because He didn’t follow through in MY plan.  I wonder where God is because I have it all figured out. I am in control.  I mean, after all, didn’t He get a copy my prewrite??

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8 (NIV)

When I look back at the times I’ve tried to plan and I can reflect on what God has actually done in my life, I am amazed at His goodness, His faithfulness.  It’s almost as if God is chuckling at my plan when I think I’m in control, and He says, “That’s what you think!  Watch this!”

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.” Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

So, this year I am going to involve Him from the start.  My prewrite is my prayer that God will put His will and His way into my heart and my desires.  I have some big plans, some important dates circled on the 2022 calendar, some well thought out ideas of what I’d like to accomplish this year, but more than anything I want to trust God, His will, His way, His timing.  I want to be reminded that His ways are good, even if they are not MY ways. My plan is to be faithful and obedient, and then to watch Him work. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-12 (NIV)

Won’t you join me?  I know some of you, my friends, are experiencing exciting times, some are learning to live through heartbreak and worry, some are wondering and waiting.  Let’s put God in the prewrite this week and watch how He writes our story of 2022.

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